To be honest, it (getting into modeling) was experimental at first. If my memory serves me well, I was introduced by a friend to a bridal show. It was a nerve-racking experience at first, to be standing in a middle of a crowd with all eyes trained on you, but this is where my career in modelling began, one job led to another, and here I am today. I’d also like to admit that modelling also brings out the most confident version of myself, letting me express myself in ways I didn’t know before.
What do you love most about modelling?
Like I said before this, it brings out the most confident version of myself. Being out there on stage, gives me a sense of confidence, and I’d like to set an example for all budding models out there. It will be a difficult climb, but it’ll all be worthwhile when others use you as an example for someone they aspire to be. That is when I know, even when it may be minuscule, that I’ve made some semblance of a difference.
Do you have a beauty regime to look so beautiful?
This is meant to be a secret, but it’s pretty simple really. Lots of vegetables and lots of sleep. Spread out your meals into six small meals a day and head out for a walk every morning before you head to work. Beyond that, I use a combination of serums, toner, and moisturizer before I sleep. Sunscreen is pretty important too when you’re out under the sun.
Which is the best compliment you have received?
Contrary to popular belief, the best compliment I’ve received isn’t on my appearance. Looks in essence is only skin deep, and though most people may think I have many friends, it is the few who will always be there when I’m in need which I will always treasure. They believed in me when I’m in doubt, and that, to me, is the best compliment I will ever receive.
If you could learn anything in this world, what will it be?
This is a tough one, but if there’s something I really want to learn, it’ll be photography. If there’s one thing I’m never satisfied about, it’s the pictures I take. To get the right ISO, aperture, exposure, etc. With every shot takes years of experience, and I respect photographers who were able to make history with their photography.
How will you describe an ideal date?
Cafes and high end restaurants are pretty overrated by now. It doesn’t really matter where the date is, but it’s the company which counts. Despite that, I do have my own food preferences. A date, in my opinion, wouldn’t be complete without a nice bowl of Tom Yum and a plate of Pad Thai.
What other hobbies or interests do you have?
I love travelling. It invigorates me, and every time I travel, I feel like I’ve hit a reset button on the hustle and bustle of city life. I love the beach, and there’s nothing better in life than having soft silky sand on your skin and a coconut in your hands.
How do you define sexy?
Being sexy isn’t defined by outward appearances. Sexy, to me, is how you exude your character, to have a personality you can call your own, and never be afraid to defy social norms. There will be criticisms aimed at putting you down, but remember to stand your ground, and to never let them make you doubt yourself. Remember, what matters most is the people you have around you, and a good support system will carry you a long way.
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Images from Carolyn Qiqi
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