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Malaysian Martial Artist, Fighter, Model & Actress Sandra Lim


Hi everyone! It’s a pleasure for me to be featured on SimplySxy too! My name is Sandra Lim, I am the Miss Malaysia Model of The World 2018. I am currently studying and working part time as a model and actress. Regardless, I still prefer to introduce myself as a simple martial artist and fighter.

What is your fashion style like?

I love a deep v-cut shirt or dress because it compliments my body type. I love shorts too because I have long legs and that it’s hard to find long pants that suits my length. but if you ask what I wear the most, I’d say sports attires.

Where do you usually love to shop from?

Some of my favorite outfits are from Padini. But I’d love to explore more of other shops and different fashion.

Do you have a beauty regime to looking so fabulous?

Thank you for the compliment! I have dry skin, so plenty of moisturizing is needed to keep my face away from a breakout. Apart from that, I would suggest exercising and drinking lots of water, it helps!

How often do you work out?

I exercise almost every single day. Some days with extreme sports and some just simple home workouts or a run. I do have to take breaks sometimes for a few days when I get injured from trainings. But I try to exercise every day.

Is there any food or drink you don’t ever take?

I don’t drink alcohol nor smoke; I think they damage your body and it shows on the outside too. I don’t eat sweets too.

Have you been in an embarrassing situation before that is funny now when looking back?

I think it was during my first ever movie casting when I was 16. Because of how introverted I am, it was super scary having a big camera right in front of me. I couldn’t even introduce myself to the camera. Luckily now I am more comfortable in front of cameras.

Apart from that, most of my embarrassing moments were from trainings because we’d attempt different stunts and we’d fall the weirdest and funniest ways. But I’d just laugh them off even at the time.

What is a funny or lame attempt a guy has tried to know you?

I received many similar ones from different people. But I had received an email once from a stranger telling me he loves me and asking for me to love him back. The email was attached with many of his selfies and pictures.

Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions Sandra. One question before we end, how do you define “sexy”? 

I think people that are intelligent and mature are extremely sexy. Also, the ones that have fierce determination and knows what they are doing are the definition of the word ‘sexy’.

Follow the gorgeous Sandra Lim on:

Instagram name: Sandra Lim, @sandra_limsh


Facebook name: Sandra Lim


My video: https://www.instagram.com/p/BxOeRsqBPHu/

Representing Malaysia in M.M.W 2018:


Winning Best In Talent in M.M.W 2018 : http://12993152.s21i.faiusr.com/2/1/ABUIABACGAAg8uns5AUohICHkwUw3As46Ac.jpg


Upcoming film: https://www.facebook.com/290639441499051/videos/707055729715746/?t=23

Production company: https://www.facebook.com/Creative-Signature-Filming-Entertainment-Production-290639441499051/

Images from Sandra Lim

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