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Model Sammie From London And Proud Of It!


Hey, I’m Sammie. I’m a 24 year old fine art nude and glamour model from London. Born Londoner – Love it here! I’ve been modeling for two years, and body painting for four, but I used to be a nanny before that. I’m a really creative outgoing individual, I love to have fun and I try not to take life too seriously.

Was being a model something you always wanted to do growing up?

Being a model was something I had always dreamed about but not thought possible. I’m very short, 5’2, I still dream of being a fashion model but I know it’s not right for me and my petite busty body type. I found out about fine art nude and glamour, modeling for courses, workshops and classes and suddenly found a way to make it possible! it took a long time to get used to as I was a very shy and self conscious individual, but I got there!

What is the best or one of the favorite things you like about modeling?

I love the diversity of modeling. There’s so many ideas and genres, I do fashion, make up, beauty, creative and nude – it’s endless! I meet so many lovely people, and I love the travel.  The worst is how men perceive a glamour model when it comes to dating. They think I’m loose or slutty, and their perceptions of me change when they find out my job, I’m never the girl people want to date because I’m too exciting, I’m just a fun time.

People think I’m a ‘bitch’ or ‘stuck up’ from my social media before they even meet me, and then they are surprised with how down to earth I am, or how I live in joggers and am really into sports. The long days can be quite demanding, and doing nude can be cold in location! But I wouldn’t change it for the world.

How is a typical day like for yourself?

My day to day life varies a lot. I have regular studios I work at, and photographers who shoot with me every so often. But I tend to meet new people every week and go somewhere different every day. I buy train tickets and pack my bag the day before the job, because I only look a day in advance of where I’m going (although I do check the location when booking the job in). I try to travel outside of peak hours because I like lay-ins, shooting can last usually from 4-10 hours, plus usually 3 hours travel on either side.

So my days are generally quite long, and I spend a lot of time listening to music on the train. I try to go to the  gym/spa 3-5 evenings a week, if my days have not been to long. Eating and any routine is a real struggle, so I don’t commit to any weekly obligations. I’m out all the time so I don’t really do any food shopping. I get food on the go when I’m hungry, and studios usually feed me really well. I like to work every day, but every once in a while I’ll find myself with a few days off, and I can catch up on my admin and actually cook!

I’m always on my phone, doing admin on the go, re-doing my portfolio, writing references, Insta/ organising studio days etc.- it’s pretty full on! Obviously I try to fit dating and seeing my friends in around all of that! I tend to work more full on with no pause, but then I go on frequent holidays to re-charge and then back to the crazy!

Is there a story behind one of your tattoos?

My tattoos! Where do I start!

I’m an artist, more specifically, a body painter. That is my other job, and I’ve been doing that for four years working in events painting people. Tattoos are just a permanent version. I view tattoos as someone’s personality, their choice in how they look – much like changing a hair colour, yet it’s so much more personal, there’s a story to tell.

I started when I was 18, but got 90% of them when I started modeling two years ago. They are so addictive! They do hold significance. My most noticeable ones are my wings. I love those; to me they represent my freedom, and the ability to take a leap of faith. It’s quite scary becoming freelance, starting a new career, or leaving the town you grew up. Traveling on your own for the first time, or getting into that scary new relationship. My wings represent my courage to fly into the unknown.

My other favourite one is my she-wolf. She is fierce, part of a pack, but also alone. She’s whom I inspire to be every day. I have a few others, music because I play the piano, it’s an escape. A globe and a plane to always explore, I have such a wander lust! There’s also several quotes I find very inspiring! I have my parents fingerprints, and a matching one with my brother, It’s all very personal, and that’s why I love tattoos.

Are there any hobbies or interests you are into?

I have lots of hobbies, I love music, I learnt the piano as a child, and find it very relaxing to play. I’m also sporty, played badminton county growing up, and I still like to dabble in that every now and again! Sometimes I paint on myself, but that’s not so often because I’m usually all painted out from work!

Reading is great, I love funny but down to earth books such as ‘why men love bitches’ or ‘surrounded by idiots’ but I also have a real love for fantasy fiction books and series!

What is the funniest or lamest attempt a guy has tried to know you?

I have a lot of creepy experiences with guys, from them reading the name on my oyster card then finding me on social media—stalker!!! To random Indian men finding my number – god knows how! I just try to stay away from it all now!

Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions Samantha. One question before we end, how do you define “sexy”? 

Sexy. What is sexy?

I feel like everyone defines this differently. Obviously it’s being hot. But that’s not what it’s all about. It’s about self worth. How you carry yourself in a crown. A 7/10 can be way sexier than a 9/10 if she has the confidence and shows it. Walking into the room and owning it, thinking’ Yes, I know I’m sexy, and trust me you want to look at me‘ attitude will get you a lot more attention then when you’re thinking ‘ah no, don’t look at me I look awful‘ or ‘why are you looking at me?‘ because no one wants to be around someone who is second guessing herself.

A lot of my girl friends are just as sexy as me, but they don’t all have the confidence, or they don’t know how to emote that emotion.  Generally speaking, we could wear the same thing, walk into the same room and get a different response.

When I used to be shy, I walked into a room and no one noticed me. Now everyone does, unless I don’t want them to. Because sexy is not just how you look, it’s your entire being. It’s how you emote, and some people can switch it on and off and some people can’t.

Follow the beautiful Sammie on:

Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/samantha.perry.5621

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sammiejaz/

Images from Sammie

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