I love mixing it up my fashion style all the time, but I do prefer the soft girl look which is made up of mini-dresses, skater skirts, and girly accessories like pastel hair clips. Besides that, I like dressing down simple as well, such as oversized t-shirts and comfy sweaters.
Brand names don’t matter too much to me because I love a good sale and thrift shopping, but you can never go wrong with a nice handbag. I’m usually inspired by the latest trends on social media or by icons such as Ariana Grande and Madison Beer.

Do you have any quotes or mottos you like to use in life?
“I wish there was a way to know you’re in the good old days before you’ve actually left them.”
Yes, this is from The Office. I think it’s important to appreciate the good in the “now” of things instead of looking for the negatives to complain about. I really try to live life in the most positive, carefree attitude I can.
Is there something in life you can’t get enough of?
The time I have left with my best friend. She’s a 12 year old Dachshund and it doesn’t matter how much time out of the day I spend playing with her, it’s just not enough.

Which 3 things do you enjoy doing most in the city you live in?
Hitting the malls with my girl friends is one of my favorite things to do. I also enjoy discovering small bakeries and cafes to satisfy my sweet tooth. At night, hitting the popular bars and clubs are a must, but that’s on hold right now for the pandemic. I can’t wait to return to the nightlife scene.
If you could change or improve one thing about the world, what will it be?
A big problem I want to change is discrimination. We are the same people at the end of the day regardless of how we look on the outside, who we’re attracted to, and how we identify ourselves. Having respect for one another is a large step towards a greater future..

Would you rather invent a new gadget or discover a new species?
A new gadget, of course! I would patent that gadget, collect my check, then leave. Adios!

Does chivalry still exist today?
I hear a lot of arguments about this between my friends. Yes, it does exist, but you can’t expect it from every man. It’s similar to how men can’t expect every girl he meets to be genuinely sweet. When chivalry is found, it is absolutely appreciated.

Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions Christine. One question before we end, how do you define “sexy”?
Sexy to me is being confident and bold. Sexy is being able to walk into a room, knowing what is yours, and being able to take it. Sexy is the eye contact you give when heading in their direction. Sexy doesn’t mean you have to show off your skin, it’s your attitude.
Follow the beautiful Christine Vu on
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/christinepuffs
Images courtesy of Christine Vu
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