Hello! I was born and raised in Yekaterinburg, Russia. Then I moved to Tampa, FL in 2018. I am a business student and content creator in my free time.

What inspires your fashion style and where do you love to shop from?
I would say that I am still in search of my own style. I admire a minimalistic classy style with statement jewelry or other accessories. Also, I am a big fan of business style, it comes from my school where it was obligatory to wear a school uniform. I personally love to shop from Asos, Mango, Uterqüe, and other online clothing stores.
Do you have a lifestyle or fashion hack that you can’t live without?
I love making lists. For example, I write a plan for the next day in my notes on my iPhone. It takes me 10 minutes before I go to sleep; however, it saves a lot of time the next day and reduces procrastination. Also, I have a clothing shopping list so I know I will not buy a cute skirt just because it costs $10.

Which 3 things do you enjoy doing most in the city you live in?
I live in the Sunshine State so I enjoy everything that relates to the beach and the sea. For example, boating and paddle boarding are always so exciting for me. Moreover, there are so many amazing food places and rooftop bars for meeting with friends.
On a scale of 1-10, how much of a foodie are you?
6-7. I love trying new food and explore different food places. But on the other hand, I can eat the same meals for 7 days in a row without being bored.
If you can have a super power, what will it be?
If I had one superpower, it would be the ability to teleport. Traveling would take less time with teleporting and allow you to explore some hard-to-reach spots.

What kind of music are you into and do you have any favorite artists?
I can listen to any genre of music from the ‘70s to Hip-Hop; it always depends on my mood. My favorite artists are The Weeknd, Placebo, Land Del Rey, and The Neighbourhood.
What turns you off on a date?
That is such an interesting question. Some people tend to continuously talk only about themselves and their achievements; at this moment I feel like I am in a job interview, not on a date. Another thing that turns me off is when a person is rude to waiters and other staff members.

Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions Elizaveta. One question before we end, how do you define “sexy”?
So cliché but being sexy for me is being confident in yourself, knowing your strengthens and weaknesses. A person can be incredibly beautiful but it all does not matter when he or she is not believe in his or her uniqueness.
Follow the fabulous Elizaveta Chechulina on
Instagram: @lisettarey
Images courtesy of Elizaveta Chechulina
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