OtR = in a time like this, it is bittersweet. The movement for social justice has pushed people to think about diversity and being inclusive but AVN hasn’t recognized any black performers. While they may have been presenters in the show, they didn’t receive any awards so it can be bittersweet but you love yourself and love your people so I love being black and I love what I do.

Personal Views Towards Sex Work
I think people need to recognize it is a part of society as well as the interntaional economy. Sex workers are underpaid and work in dangerous conditions with little to no benefits. There needs to be options for people in this field to work safely, be compensated and without the stigma.
What Inspired Me To Go Into Sex Work
Honestly…I love NASTY sex!!! Do you remember when we were young and we would see the late night HBO, Showtime or Cinemax specials where you get to view soft core porn? Thinking that people are actually making money doing this was so enticing. Of course, as your understanding of reality and sexuality evolves, so does your motivation LOL. But if you are very passionate about sex if you see a way to make a living, why not? Plus the people you’re having sex with (in the films LOL) are usually gorgeous, visually stunning human masterpieces.

Preconceived Notions Of Sex Work
How many preconceived notions are based on sex and the performers: people have trouble separating the performer from the real-life human being. Thinking people who perform in films don’t have families or that their life is in abundance of coincidental non-practical sexual situations like having sex with a pizza guy LOL.
Also, it is a lot of hard work and doesn’t pay very well in the beginning. Especially if you are a performer of color because there are less booking options for you.
Challenges I Face As A Black Adult Performer
As stated, as you are already a marginalized minority, there are limited options for you to get booked. You often get paid blessed. Being black means a white performer has the opportunity of looking at performing with you as either a sacrifice or a benefit. What is surreal about the adult film industry is the fact someone can pay you less money or choose not to work with you on the base of the color of your skin that legally.
There’s the other dynamic of people looking at being black as a fetish. Thinking it’s a compliment if they say “I only take BBC” or “I’m a Queen of Spades”. Why performance don’t have to experience this.

Common Misconceptions
A lot of stereotypes get perpetuated by various people. Even people who look like myself where things like us being difficult to work with, always being associated with unprofessionalism, being late, hostile or uneducated. Also, people tend to think of white performers as more “mainstream”
The Change I Hope For
The change must come from society and influence the adult film industry. Along with better pay and safer working conditions for performers, I would like to see a reduction in the stigma around sex work. I also would like to see more black representation and black ownership. I would like for award shows and festivals dedicated to adult industry and alternative lifestyle to do better at making space for black representation in black ownership.
Omari the Rebel – 34 year old hip hop artist, content creator, swinger event host and podcaster from Brooklyn, New York City. Cisheterosexual black man focused on speaking truth to power and de-stigmatizing sex. Cohost of the “Tribechat” show available on YouTube and streaming platforms. OnlyFans and Patreon for exclusive content and once a month swinger events in the NYC/Jersey area.
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Twitter: https://twitter.com/xxxlibidox
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Article images courtesy of Omari The Rebel
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