I’m a teenager living in Oslo, Norway. This year I’m starting 11th grade, where I will have a main focus on math and science. Growing up I did dance, acting, and gymnastics, however, it feels like I’ve tried just about every sport…everything from football to swimming to archery.
School and family have always been two important factors in my life. So naturally, my sister and I grew up pretty close. We have never really fought, and if we did it would be about silly things like; who’s hairbrush it is. My family loves adventures so whenever we could we visited other places or countries. We’ve been a lot in South Europe, especially in Italy and France. I think this is also the reason we got a boat.
We’ve had a boat as long as I can remember, and I can’t remember not being by the ocean. The boat/ocean part of the family definitely comes from my dads’ side. I’ve been told a thousand times growing up that I’m a replica of my dad. From how I look to my interests. I love whenever someone points it out because my dad’s a replica of his dad, and it makes me proud to be compared and told that I look like my grandpa.

How is your fashion style like and where do you take inspiration from?
I don’t really know how to describe my fashion style because it changes so much. During the summer I have the ‘surfer girl’ type of fashion, but during winter I just look like any other Norwegian girl in their big jackets… it gets cold here:/ I like being bold, and not doing what everyone else is doing, but sometimes that’s kinda scary…
I get inspiration from so many places, there’s not only one person I can say. One of the main ones must be Harry Styles. I love how he challenges the barriers this society has set, and I’m inspired by his courage. However, most of my inspiration comes from social media, everything from TikTok to Instagram to Pinterest.

Do you follow a regular beauty or exercise regime?
I ‘retired’ from gymnastics this March so up until then I just did what my coach told me to do, but after I ‘retired’ I didn’t know what to do so I didn’t do anything for a while. At the moment I go to the gym every day, and I run for about 30/45 min and then do some exercises with my body weight.
When it comes to beauty, I don’t really do much, I just let my skin do whatever it wants… I wash my face and put on some moisturizer.
Is there any food or drink you absolutely don’t take?
I’m lactose intolerant and I’m allergic to tomatoes so I don’t eat that for obvious reasons. I’ve also noticed that my stomach can’t process a lot of wheat, so I try to not eat buns and stuff like that. Recently I’ve tried to not eat/drink a lot of milk products just to see how that will affect my body. I still eat butter, sometimes cheese, and similar stuff, I just don’t drink milk or eat food with a high percentage of milk.

Which 3 things do you love doing most in the city you live in?
There’s a lot of stuff that I love about my city, but if I have to choose three things it must be; the ability to travel everywhere, nature, and the fact that I have close access to everything.
Living in the capital of Norway definitely has its perks, I have the train station and the airport pretty close by.
Norway has such a pretty nature, and Oslo has everything from parks to forests.
Like I said living in the city has its perks, one of them also being that we have stores for everything, and I can travel to just about every family member without problems.

If you could learn anything in this world, what will it be?
I would love to learn how to speak with animals… I think that we can learn a lot from them and their perspective on the world. I could also understand what my dog tries to say every 5 minutes…
Which flavor best describes you?
That’s such a weird question that I’ve never thought about before. I would say a mix of the ocean and coconut since my shampoo/conditioner and deodorant are coconut scented, and I use a fair share of time by the ocean.

What turns you off on a date?
A few things turn me off. One of those is if they’re late without an explanation. Another massive turn of is if they’re disrespectful to their family, friends, or surroundings.
Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions Eira. One question before we end, how do you define “sexy”?
I define sexy as being comfortable in your skin and the way you are., YOU ARE PERFECT JUST THE WAY YOU ARE!!!!
Follow the beautiful Eira Pettersen on
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/eirapettersen/
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@itsxeira?
Pinterest: https://no.pinterest.com/eirapettersen/_saved/
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/user/61aoeadz3ufd2whzz4aqvso4x
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAfOGZ6KZ26E938_uQ9sgMA?app=desktop
VSCO: https://vsco.co/eirapettersen/gallery
Images courtesy of Eira Pettersen
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