Hi there! I’m Ida from Singapore and I’m currently juggling a full time job and doing content creating on the side. I’m hoping I get to do this full time though! I absolutely love creating content!

What inspires your fashion style and where do you love to shop from?
Literally anyone or anything can inspire my fashion choices – be it people on IG, on the streets or characters from a show. There was one period of time I was sooo inspired by Jung Man-wol from Hotel Del Luna, I was inspired to dress like her for about a week!
For shopping, I shop anywhere from fast fashion brands like H&M, Zara, Uniqlo and also cheaper alternatives from Shopee, SHEin or ezbuy.

Which 3 things do you love doing most in the city you live in?
I love hanging out with the best company with great food and then chilling at the bar or cafe afterwards for more catching up. Sometimes I walk at the park too or go hiking with my friends. That’s currently the thing I like most doing.

Which is the best compliment you have received?
I don’t think there was one best compliment per se but I do appreciate it a lot when I do get compliments on the content I created – it makes me really really happy. Someone once told me I’m like a “chameleon” that I could transform into anyone or anything; I didn’t see what he meant at that time but I’m glad it left an impression! Inspiring people has always been the thing I enjoy doing the most.

How do you like to spend your weekend nights?
The perfect night would be curled up in bed with my cat, watching my favourite shows and a cup of tea with fuzzy socks to keep me warm while I blast the fan LOL. That’s literally the best night ever – Covid or pre-Covid hahaha.

Is there something you’ve always wanted to do but have yet to find the time for it?
I’ve always wanted to learn how to draw or paint – I’ve always loved the arts and pride myself as a creative person so that’s something I’d love to learn and do.
Have you been in an embarrassing situation before that is funny now when looking back?
It’s funny – because I usually can’t remember! I’m sure I’ve done many embarrassing things before but I usually just laugh it off and forget about it.

What do you not get about guys?
Ughh the act of ghosting and then texts or dms you back like it never happened or continuously dms you even if it’s obvious you’re not interested. Talk about tenacity lol.

Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions Ida. One question before we end, how do you define “sexy”?
Sexy to me is that “quiet confidence” it’s like you know you’re the shit without telling everyone you’re the shit. Doesn’t matter what you wear or don’t wear either – it’s always about that inner confidence that you exuberate. That to me, is sexy.
Follow the fabulous Ida on
Instagram: @ida_linn
Tiktok: @idalinn2
Images courtesy of Ida
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