I am a content creator from Russia. I was born in Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan and then moved to Moscow. After graduation from the university of Moscow with a bachelor’s degree, I decided to obtain a master’s degree abroad. I entered an Italian university and in two years this summer, I graduated with a master’s degree in business management.
With moving abroad, I started my career as an influencer on Instagram and TikTok, sharing about life in Europe and creating funny and relatable videos. I love to inspire people for pursuing their dreams and always believing in yourself.

How will you describe your fashion style and where do you draw inspiration from?
My style is more casual with elegant and fancy elements. I am personally inspired by the style of old money that is popular now and I find it relevant to my personality. I like to be dressed elegantly but not too much, and for me it is very important to feel good and confident in what I wear.

Do you have any hobbies or interests?
I love sports. I am a professional gymnast and I was doing it for 15 years, so I cannot imagine my life without it. I work out a few times a week, and it helps me maintain a healthy state of mind and shape of body.
What is a typical day like for you?
I wake up early, I go for a run and do a good workout, then I come back home and do morning routine – shower, make up, getting ready, preparing healthy breakfast. It is important that I have enough time to enjoy my morning and not be in a hurry.
Then I would go to do work and film videos. I love when my day is very busy and interesting with meetings and projects. In the evening, I would love to meet with friends or have a date night. Walks and movies. And then, going to sleep not very late.

Which is your favorite or go to drink at a club?
I love mojitos. Always take it.
Would you rather be able to teleport or read minds?
Read minds. I don’t mind to spend a few hours on a plane to travel, but there is no alternative to reading minds unfortunately.

Are you more of a lingerie or bikini babe?
I am more of a bikini babe.
What is the funniest or lamest attempt a guy has tried to know you?
The funniest case I think I had was in the metro, when a guy tried to hit on me and I left the train, so he followed me. It was funny and not very creepy as he was following me as I tried to escape, while asking are you a sociopath??)) – I just wanted your number.
We were all laughing at that moment. Actually, a lot of times guys tried to know me in a way I was not comfortable at the moment, so I always say no at the very beginning of their trying.

Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions Karina. One question before we end, how do you define “sexy”?
For me, it is always about energy. Not the physical appearance, but confidence and energy that you feel and can pass to another person and share it. This is the best thing to experience when it comes from within.
Follow the beautiful Karina Achaeva on
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/karinalbertovna/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuWwwvGmSxw1sSuQoNnXarg
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@karinalbertovna?
Images courtesy of Karina Achaeva
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