SimlpySxy has the honour of featuring talented host, voiceover artist and digital content creator Alyssa Lie. Read on below to find out more about her experiences, sources of inspiration and enjoy the interview!
As a multi-talented artiste such as yourself, what is a typical day like and how do you juggle everything that you do?
I’m a morning person, so I start my day at 530am! I’ll go for a run, meditate, shower and get ready for my work day, which nowadays centres mainly around content creation for TikTok and IG. I’ll reply my emails and messages around 5pm, head out for dinner with friends around 630pm and wind down by 9pm with another shower, a good book, and I’ll be ready to sleep by 10pm so that I’m refreshed and well-rested the next morning!

Which is a memorable and unforgettable acting experience you have had before?
I recently did a commercial shoot for PanzerGlass. It was really fun because the videographer and I were given free rein to travel Singapore in order to get the shots that were needed. We explored the entire Bayfront area on foot. It was such an adventure!
If you could change one misconception about content creators, what will it be?
That female content creators are shallow or just using their looks to gain a following. It may be true for some, but definitely not all. Personally, I create content that reflects my values of authenticity, self-love and positivity. I share personal anecdotes as well because I want my audience to know that I’ve gone through difficult times, but I’m still smiling because happiness is a choice, and I hope to inspire them to choose to live joyfully!

How do you decide what content to create and share with your fans?
Sometimes I gather inspiration from other content creators, which I’ll put my own spin on! I also share personal anecdotes that I feel are relatable and can inspire my audience to live a happier and more fruitful life. I make sure my content spreads joy and positivity!
Have you been in an embarrassing situation that is funny now when looking back?
I’ve been in many embarrassing situations during these pandemic times because I can barely recognise anyone when they’re wearing masks. Recently, a friend came to watch my singing performance, and I called him by the wrong name! It was not the first time…
Is there something you’ve always wanted to learn but yet to find the time for it?
I’ve always wanted to speak fluent Mandarin and Bahasa Indonesia. Being Peranakan, I feel that it would help me reconnect with my cultural roots. It’s still on my bucket list!

What do you not get about the opposite sex?
I don’t understand why guys can’t just openly express their fears, doubts and insecurities in a romantic relationship. I find that some guys think keeping their partner in the dark about certain things is better to maintain the status quo and not risk losing their partner. However, I beg to differ. I believe that in any relationship, honesty is truly the best policy.
Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions Alyssa. One question before we end, how do you define “sexy”?
I define “sexy” as being able to BE YOURSELF in your own skin, embrace your body, your personality, your heart, and be confident in who you are and what you offer to the world!
Follow the beautiful Alyssa Lie on
Follow @itsalyssalie on TikTok and Instagram for daily positive content!
Images courtesy of Alyssa Lie
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