My name is Sarah Wahala, I’m 18 years old, I was born in the Paris area and I live there recently alone. I’m in business school and I’m also an influencer.

What is your fashion style and where do you get your inspiration from?
I would say my style is pretty street classy, I love mixing the classy effect but breaking it up with a street element!
I find my inspirations thanks to Instagram, I follow girls who have a style that I love and I get inspired by them!
Do you have any hobbies or interests?
My biggest passion is decorating!
My favorite hobby is making fashion videos, and giving my tips to my community on my Instagram.

How will you describe a typical day for yourself?
In my opinion, a typical day is going to class in the morning, coming back to my apartment in the afternoon to create content and do my collaborations, at the end of the day going to an event and then going out with my girlfriends at night!
If you can be a fictional character for real, who will you be?
I will say Rapunzel haha, for my long hair! Then I could see myself in her when I was little because in the movie she had this fear of facing life but she went for it anyway and she loved living day by day the challenges and adventures that came along.
I had this same fear as a little girl and as I grew up to be 18, I went to live alone in a new city so I also have this feeling of having taken the plunge!
Is there something you’ve always wanted to learn but have yet to find the time for it?
Yes! Languages!
I find it so enriching to be able to speak several languages and to discover new cultures thanks to that!

What incredible life hack do you know that is invaluable to you?
I learned that in life you have to be curious and have a general culture!
So now I try to be interested in all the current events, the history of the world, the art… in order to be able to sustain a conversation it can open so many doors in life!
What is a funny attempt or pickup line a guy has tried to use to know you?
Haha, I was already asked on my social networks what my style of man was, so I answered that I liked mixed. And a man came up to me and said, “I’m mixed race can we date?”

Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions Sarah. One question before we end, how do you define “sexy”?
In my opinion, I would define the term “sexy” as seductive but at the same time sweet!
Beyond the physical or muscular, being sexy is also synonymous with personal confidence, positive recognition of oneself and solid esteem.
Follow the beautiful Sarah Wahala on
Instagram: @Sarahwhla
Tiktok: Sarahwhla
Images courtesy of Sarah
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