Hi Jennifer, thank you for taking the time to answer our questions. Please share with our readers a little about yourself and where you’re from?
Hello everyone! I’m a Los Angeles based photographer and writer. My work revolves mostly around social media photography and marketing integration, and currently, I’m trying to expand to editorials and travel photography. I work for various companies as a contract photographer, as a freelancer in both photography and graphic design, and as a writer for Canon USA.

How did your interest in photography start?
I started shooting around the narcissistic age of 18 (2011) when I started up my oh-so-hip Tumblr blog. I got a Canon T3 Rebel from my dad as a graduation gift and from there on, I started experimenting with it (aka I took a lot of selfies and photos of my stuff). I didn’t start pursuing it professionally until January of 2015 when I started to pivot away from the corporate world of graphic design.

What are the challenges a photographer typically faces?
I think the biggest challenge for any creative is getting over self doubt. It’s really hard to compare yourself to a talent so intangible and so susceptible to human interpretation. Your worst enemy is yourself and I think getting into this field, you really need to understand your self worth and always fight out of the slump that pulls you down. I’ve seen many give up photography because they didn’t think it was worth pursuing in the end. It’s not an easy journey, I will tell you that.
Another challenge that I experience personally is trying to stay above the curve. The market is super saturated and it’s hard to stand out and be different from the rest. How can I make my work speak for itself? That question still haunts me and I’m still trying to figure that out for myself. How do you define who you are and stay consistent within your definition?

Which is your most memorable travel experience so far?
My most memorable travel experience would have to be New York this past February. I got to spend a full 2 weeks in NYC and experience it in all its glory. Not only did I get to experience NYFW, sit in the photographer’s pit, and get published in Composure Magazine, but also got to actually enjoy my stay in the Big Apple. It’s probably my first long-term trip that I paid completely with my hard earned money since I started my career and I’m very proud of this accomplishment.

If you could shop for free in any brand or shop, which would it be?
Man…that is like asking to choose your favorite child. Thankfully, I don’t have kids yet so this should be a little easier. I would probably go with Nasty Gal because anything weird and edgy is my type of clothes.

Are you more of a morning person or night owl?
It’s around 2am as I’m answering this, so yes I am of the night variety. We are zombies pretty much until 5pm and then the coolness of the evening awakens our inner beings and suddenly we are 10x more productive. If you start howling at the moon, however, you’ve gone too far and you probably need some sleep.

If you could time travel, where will you go and why?
I would go back to that time I tripped and ate it on the sidewalk…actually there are a lot of those incidents…Can I go to every time I’ve fallen on my face and erase that from history?

How will you describe an ideal date?
I love dates that have no strings attached. I love casual dates that just lead from one event to the next and the night is free-flowing. The best dates are effortless with good conversation (and good wine).

It is a pleasure to feature you Jennifer. One question before we end, how do you define “sexy”?
Well, all I need is a mirror—I’m totally joking. My answer is pretty cliché, but I really do believe confidence is sexy. Not boastful, prideful confidence, but more of a reassurance of oneself that you can be yourself and let yourself shine in all its potential. Be true to yourself and true to others.
Follow the beautiful Jennifer Wu on:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/xjenn3/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/eatwithxjenn3/
Work In Progress:
“Color me Blind”
This is a personal project of mine inspired by Valentino’s all red shoot featured on instagram. With all the unrest in the world as people fight over identification, supremacy, and racial stereotypes, I wanted to start a project that brought beauty, not only to the clothes that one wears, but also, that in the end, the color of your skin is the most beautiful part of you. (image: Work In Progress.jpg) This is a sneak peek of one of the shots I took for this project. I will be expanding it soon to all the colors of the rainbow.
- Photographer: @xjenn3
- Model: @itssangtime
- Stylist: @michelleechan__
- MUA: @yourstrulyjen
Featured images:
- Candicecuoco-badbutterfly / HOUSEOFCCUOCO_LOOKBOOK
- Shots for Candice Cuoco’s new collection, “The Bad Butterfly”
- Chelseama
- Lookbook of Season 1 winner of Project Runway Junior’s first collection
- Geisha-softromantic
- A personal project exploring a free flow mind vs clouded judgment
- Jackafrass
- Personal project with @jackafrass
- Kkarmalove
- Lifestyle shot for @kkarmalove
- Liv
- Personal project featuring @7tilmidnight lingerie
- Photo of Myself
- Solvang-Lisa
- Personal project featuring @bylisalinh
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