I love sex! I think sexual urges and fantasies are natural, and ever since fully embracing my own sexuality I’ve received so much more pleasure in life and through all the experiences that I’ve been able to have. I was incredibly shy throughout my teen years, and had the worst social anxiety. This actually led me to being homeschooled during high school. Despite my socializing problems at the time, I grew to really dislike the lack of being in a social atmosphere and/or stimulated by the conversation and thoughts of others. It’s made me appreciate the interactions that I now have with people much more. Homeschooling also gave me the time and opportunity to seek out my own interests and passions, subjects that never even stuck to me when attending public school.
Once turning 18, and having been felt like a caged bird by the end of high school, I was ready to be on my own! I had a sugar daddy starting off when I first moved to D.C. During that, I discovered how much I loved the company of an older gentleman, and I found that I was able to really enjoy my conversations with them. I respected and valued the discretion, but did not like the feeling of it being more like a relationship instead of an open love that could grow and one that did not have to be defined. The sugar baby relationship lasted roughly 7 months, and I honestly just jumped into escorting. I started with an agency, and assumed that I would learn from them and from experience. I was fortunate enough to have a lady who helped and explained everything to me, and was really quite patient me. But by no means am I recommending that anyone jump right in! There are easy mistakes to avoid, and tips to learn; it would be much more beneficial to read and educate yourself beforehand.
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What I Love About Escorting
My greatest passions are learning all I can about the world, and making others happy. This lifestyle has given me the amazing opportunity to do both! I’ve met some of the best guys, and made some of the greatest friends. I love the socializing, the intimacy, and the mutual happiness my clients and I bring each other – whether it’s only one encounter, or numerous! I meet the greatest dynamic of people; finding ways to relate to them is something that has not only furthered my social skills, but educated me on topics that my clients share through their own learnings and life experience.
I also love the traveling. I’ve always travelled even through my youth, and I don’t think I could ever call one place home forever. This lifestyle has allowed me to see some of the most beautiful places, all while doing what I love! This has become such an amazing opportunity helping me work towards future goals and dreams. The ability to support myself fully and to take care of any school debt in and of itself has been the most fulfilling feeling, but the people that I have met and the things that I have learned through this lifestyle are priceless.
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Screening The Clients
There are various screening sites to further validate a client’s identity, but I would say one of the biggest ways I rely on deciding to see a client or not would be the trust amongst the SW community. I ask that clients provide at least two references (providers that will vouch for them saying that they are real, safe, and respectful). References and a screening handle is not enough to get through screening, however. I also require a photo of their ID prior to meeting along with their work information. All of this information is erased after screening is complete. Clients see enough of my presence online (through social media, my p411, and my booking site) to know that I am who I say I am, so me asking for the same validation in return should not be an issue for them and if it is, I don’t book. I value and respect discretion, and would not have the reputation that I have built if I ever abused a client’s privacy.
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Weirdest Client Requests I Have Received
Well, one person’s weird is another person’s kink. But I’ve definitely had some odd requests – some that I agreed to, some I refused, and some I just couldn’t bring myself to do. One time in specific I remember a guy was just absolutely infatuated with my nose. The whole session he was staring at it, he was playing with it, and even in the middle of making out I’d feel two fingers in the shape of scissors slide down the middle of my face and just pinch my nose. The random nose pinches continued even during sex, barely making eye contact with me but instead staring at my nose; occasionally leaning in and putting his whole mouth on it as if he was giving my nose a sloppy kiss or something!
One request I just couldn’t bring myself to do was a roleplay act. I initially should’ve known he had something up his sleeve cause he walked in with a Whole Foods bag. I was the innocent schoolgirl that apparently got caught blowing two guys in the locker room, and I was facing suspension. The only way to avoid suspension was to sleep with my principal..but first, had to “demonstrate what exactly I was doing to the two boy students”. He grabs his bag and pulls out a banana and a condom. He slides this condom so smoothly on the banana, I’m convinced his real job is a sex Ed coach. He then holds the banana out, looking at me. I am looking at him. We are just staring at each other for a solid minute before he again asks me to demonstrate how I gave a blowjob. I lean down, hovering over the banana, and all I am thinking is “I will never forget the time that I seriously gave oral to a fruit”, I licked the tip of the banana, then snapped away apologizing profusely saying “Sorry, I can’t! I just can’t do it, I’m a terrible actor! Can i just…. demonstrate on you?!” Not my sexiest way of denying a request… but looking back on the two stories now, it almost seems like the banana request should’ve been much easier to fulfill LOL.
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Preparing For A Date With A Client
I am still a nervous wreck before every date, regardless of how many times I’ve seen someone. The whole time getting ready is me telling myself to not be weird. The nerves are every time, but I’d never want to feel indifferent or bored. The anxiety and build up is what makes the meet so much sweeter. I am typically sitting on my sink counter getting myself pretty..even if there is a vanity, a sink counter always seems to be a girl’s zen place. After the getting ready process, it’s an extensive amount of YouTube video watching that I always end up regretting, a minimum of 30 pictures taken all of which ended up getting erased anyway, and Mariah Carey karaoke. I also make sure everything is in place, and that my date doesn’t go without supplies! Once I meet my date, my nervousness eases and I’m filled with joy and excitement to see them. Every time is a new experience.
Kendall – I’m an elite companion always traveling and finding new adventures! Through my work, I have had unparalleled opportunities to meet some of the most intelligent and dynamic men from a variety of backgrounds. These experiences have only fueled my desire for even more.
Follow Kendall on:
Twitter: twitter.com/xokendalldc
Website: xokendall.com
Preferred: preferred411.com/P202228
Upcoming tour dates are NYC 4/28-5/1
Images courtesy of Kendall
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