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Medical Play Sessions


Typically, during a Medical Play session, you have someone who falls into a level of interest/experience. There are beginners, intermediate players and advanced participants.

The beginners/light players may have an interest in maybe some dressing up, possible exam roleplay and having their temperature taken rectally. They may also have an interest in trying some new items or trying a new type of activity. They are usually inexperienced and are just starting to explore. They are not looking to have marks or any signs of what they did when they leave.

The intermediate players are the ones who are either into the fetish or they are looking to expand what they enjoy. This level usually includes needle play, sounding, enemas. Things that are a bit more advanced but nothing too extreme. These types of people are usually looking to experience other types of BDSM as well as incorporate some medical play into the overall BDSM experience.

Then we have the advanced/experienced players. This is where I get to delve into the cuttings, brandings, suturing, catheters, extensive needle play and things that are very extreme. These are the types of people who know what they like and want to do a session that is usually only medical play.

Every time I play/session it’s based on that specific person as well as their interests so each session goes differently but just a rough idea of what happens when each session is done.

  1. TRAINING/EDUCATION of whatever I am doing. This is first and foremost. Medical play can be very dangerous if you do not know what you are doing. Once you have learned and practiced then you can begin to explore and play.
  2. Sanitation/sterilization of equipment and play space.
  3. Setting up all equipment
  4. Cleaning the area on your victim….wait I mean your willing and able participant/bottom.
  5. Having fun and playing.
  6. Cleaning up your bottom with the right equipment/ medical supplies.
  7. Cleaning up and sterilizing your equipment/play space.
  8. Properly disposing of your bio-hazard.

Precautions & Tips For Beginners

The precautions in medical play can vary greatly depending on what type of play you are looking at doing. Some play is not invasive at all and is no more a risk than brushing your teeth. These things include using a stethoscope, thermometer, blood pressure cuff, and things that are non-invasive. Once you start delving into things that break the skin such as: needle play, branding, scalpel cuttings, suturing, among other things; you start increasing your risks. You now have to be concerned about proper skin care before, proper sanitary care during, and proper after care so that you try to minimize any infection and lasting scaring.

When you get into doing anything that comes in contact with a mucus membrane you run the risk of tearing, ripping, micro damage that can breed bacteria and many other things. These include anything in the mouth, nose, and genitals. Mucus membranes are extremely sensitive but they also heal very quickly. So, when engaging in medical play you really need to be playing/sessioning with someone who has been properly trained as well as someone who knows what they are doing.

Yes, if you are a beginner you can definitely explore experiencing medical play. Find someone who is qualified to explain what the process is for whatever you are interested in and then go ahead and try something new. If you are interested in learning how to do medical play, find an educator, someone in the medical field or a professional dominatrix who specializes in medical play who can teach you properly.

Erin Marie – Miss Erin Marie grew up in a small town in Wisconsin. She moved to Las Vegas right after high school in 2007 and then moved to Southern California in 2011. She has been a Professional Dominatrix since fall of 2010 and has been involved with the leather and BDSM community since March of 2008. Miss Erin Marie is available for live sessions in Las Vegas and Southern California. She also does travel and you can check her schedule on her website.

Follow Erin Marie on:

Website: www.misserinmarie.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ErinMarieLA

Twitter: https://twitter.com/MissErinMarieLA

Email: erin3221@gmail.com

Call/text: 1-920-750-3221

Images courtesy of Erin Marie

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