Hi Azura it is a pleasure to feature you on SimplySxy. Please share with our readers a little about yourself and where you’re from?
Hi!! First of all thank you so much for having me! I truly appreciate the feature.
Well, my name is Azura Zainal and I am from Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia. I come from a very big and tight knit family. There are 7 of us and I am the middle child. Majority of my siblings are engineers and a pilot. It’s just my eldest sister and I decided to take on a more adventurous route! Hehehe. I have been in the entertainment industry for 18 years where I started my career as a TV presenter for Walt Disney Television Pte Ltd way back in 1999 for a flagship show on the channel called Disney Buzz.
It was the best 7 years of my working life, working for the mouse where I learnt so much about TV presenting and production. Working with all types of nationality from different countries really opened my eyes on how important it is to have an open mind if you really want to learn. After being with the channel for 7 years, I came back to Malaysia and started doing TV programs for local productions. I hosted all kinds/genre of shows like kids, reality, game-show, lifestyle, sports and adventure and then eventually branded myself as a Sports/Travel and Adventure TV Host. Currently I have a show called X-plorasi on TV1 which airs every Saturday at 2pm (travel/adventure) and soon to air a Scuba Diving program in its 3rd season called 13 Hari Kota Kinabalu-Labuan. (you can find it on YouTube for earlier seasons).
Besides TV Hosting, I also do a lot of emcee gigs which is also something I love doing and I also had the opportunity to try my hands on radio where I started on HITZ.FM in 2007 and later 2012 was radio announcing for RED FM. I also have acted in a few dramas and just recently was in a feature film called Temuan Takdir, which won a number of awards internationally. You must be thinking…GOSH! What else does she do?? Well, I was also one of the main actress (Lorell Robinson) on a stage show for BROADWAY: DREAMGIRLS the Musical which was staged at Istana Budaya in 2012. So…yeah, I love to entertain and challenge myself in every way possible.
What is your proudest achievement so far?
My proudest achievement would have to be being chosen out of thousands of hopeful candidates to be the TV Presenter for Walt Disney TV Pte Ltd, and also being nominated for Best Light Entertainment Presenter/Performer in 2002 and 2004 in the Asian Television Awards!
How do you constantly motivate and inspire yourself?
In everything that I do, I am always out to seek knowledge. So, whenever I am assigned to work on something, I will make sure I do my best to convey messages and useful information and also putting smiles on peoples’ faces. So it is not a one-way communication but knowing that the audience is able to take something home with them. THAT, motivates and inspires me.
If you can have a superpower, which will you choose to have?
If I can have a superpower it would have to be the power to fly, so I can fly to any destination and spread knowledge to the children all over the world.
Do you have any guilty pleasures when it comes to food?
Oooo… but of course!! I LOVE ICE CREAM!! I can eat ice cream anytime, anywhere, any day! I can finish a whole tub in 45 minutes!
How will you describe your fashion style?
My fashion style is pretty laid back and sporty on a daily basis. I am always in my Nike gears and trainers because I am also known as an active person who likes to work out and do adventurous activities. But there are times when I do love to play dress up and dress my age! (Hehehehe if you are wondering, I am 36 years young) I like to call myself a chameleon when it comes to fashion style. I have made people do a double take when they see me all dressed up.
Which was the last movie you watched and was it any good?
Oh wow! If I am not mistaken it was Dark Tower. It wasn’t the best movie I saw…quite a let down for me. But Idris Alba is HAWT!
What is your idea of an ideal first date?
My ideal first date would be a dinner, nothing too fancy, followed by hours in the arcade and then taking a drive to unfamiliar places.
Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions Azura. One question before we end, how do you define “sexy”?
Hmmm how do I define sexy…well, someone who is knowledgeable and willing to share the knowledge with others, and always have a positive outlook in life.
Thank you so much for having me! It has been awesome!
Follow the talented and beautiful Azura Zainal on:
Instagram: @zurrs
Facebook: azurazainalofficial
Youtube: azura zainal
My scuba diving program is in the works but still no TX Date yet but the show that is still on-going is X-plorasi on TV1 at 2PM every Saturday
Images courtesy of Azura Zainal
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