Wow! Thank you so much for selecting me. So… my name is Natasha and I am a 21-year-old college student from Sonoma County.
What is the best compliment you have received?
I actually just had this happen to me the other day. My friend and I were listening to music in the car and she turned to me and said, “You are one of the favorite people I have ever met” … It was so heartfelt and meaningful. It is something I will never forget.
How will you describe your fashion style?
Oh man, I am kind of all over the place. A few years ago I was into flowy, boho outfits. Lots of jewelry (rings on every finger… wowza). But now I am more into street style. I love mixing different textures and lengths.
Do you have any guilty pleasures for food?
Absolutely. I could eat mint chocolate chip ice cream pretty much every day if I could.
What is a typical day like for you?
Wake up at 7:00, homework catch-up session, workout, classes, internship meetings, lunch, classes and homework… ending at about 9:00 with a movie and a cup of tea in bed.
If you could time travel, where will you go?
I think about this all the time (Strange I know but I really like history) … I would definitely I go to ancient Egypt. I have an absolute fascination with this time period.
Have you been in an embarrassing situation that is funny now?
My middle name is embarrassing. Okay so the one I can think of off the top of my head was when I was in Girl Scouts and I was like… 6 years old I want to say. We were in this really big assembly with other Girl Scouts and for some reason I REALLY didn’t want to be separated from my mom who was leaving… So I interrupted the entire assembly by running and screaming at the top of my lungs to go after her. The entire assembly was dead quiet for a good 5 minutes after my antics.
What do you not get about guys?
Everything. I don’t get how some guys think that they have to impress girls by showing off… Like we get it; you can dunk.
Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions Natasha. One question before we end, how do you define “sexy”?
I had a blast! To me, sexy equates to being bas-ass. Not caring what others think… being confident… and being memorable.
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Featured image courtesy of @Chekmatephoto
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