So you’ve heard all about Internet matchmaking from some of your friends, it’s something you’ve long been curious in, and now you’ve selected what would be the best dating site in terms of the type of single you could be put in touch with? Before you launch into joining the millions of users who have already signed up to one of these platforms, it would be worth ensuring you are familiar with the basic rules. Your experience of online dating will be vastly improved if you follow these; and here are the top five.
Honesty is the best policy
While it’s one thing to make a good first impression, it’s something entirely different to make a false one. It might be tempting to fabricate a few background issues to make your profile sound more interesting, but always bear in mind the ultimate aim of online dating is for you to actually meet face-to-face. So in order to eradicate the possibility of disappointment, make sure you always tell the truth during your online exchanges. There is no point in lying as this will only lead to mistrust when the truth is finally uncovered.
Don’t be obvious; try thinking outside the box
When it comes to describing yourself to potential partners, there is a whole raft of subjects you could dwell on. Try not to state the obvious ones, such as how much you love music, or spending time with your friends, or traveling to exotic holiday locations. These are cliches that will have been parroted in any number of profiles. Remember, random site visitors have a low attention threshold, so it’s important to make an instant impression. Your description should focus on exciting and unusual hobbies.
Keep those skeletons under lock and key
Everyone has baggage; this is an aspect of human nature. But there is no point in jumping straight into the deep-end and admitting you have only just come out of rehab for an alcohol addiction, or have been through court proceedings over child custody, or have even suffered from a nervous breakdown in the recent past. Obviously, none of these issues should be hidden away indefinitely as they form an integral part of your overall personality. But initial introductions are all about getting to know each other and building a sense of chemistry over time. As you really get to know someone well, any of these stories will emerge in due course, strengthening your bond.
Always engage with your suitors
There is no point in treating the online environment as you would a similar situation in the off-line world. It is quite common to feel the urge to be stand-offish or to ‘play it cool’ when it comes to getting to know someone. Perhaps you might be tempted to delay that follow-on phone call after a first date, just to make sure your prospective partner gets the message they can’t take you for granted. But forget all that when it comes to online dating. This is all about immediate engagement, where you don’t have the luxury of mind games. If you play hard to get on a dating site, potential suitors will simply move on to the next profile.
Find the balance between modesty and showing off
The early stages of getting to know someone online can be quite a tentative experience. Ideally, you should aim to achieve a balance between modesty and blowing your own trumpet! By all means, try and demonstrate you have a spark about you, but not at the extent of coming across as someone who simply brags about themselves.
Featured image courtesy of Pexels
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