I am from a city called São Vicente, it is in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. I am 20 years old and I am a music student at the Catholic University of Santos. I play the guitar, electric guitar, drums, flute and singing a little.

Katarina from League of Legends version girls generation
When did you get started into cosplaying?
I met the Japanese culture when I was still in elementary school, to be specific, was in the eighth grade. Since I had entered this new school, I didn’t know anybody. I gradually made wonderful friendships and it was there that through these friendships I met the world of anime and mangá.
At the end of the same year (2011) I went to my first anime event accompanied by these friends, and there I saw several people dressed up and this caught my attention in a sensational way! I loved the idea, because I always liked fantasies and flashy makeup. Next year I was already going to the events with my cosplays, but it wasn’t me who sewed yet.

Kuroyukihime (black lotus) from Accel world
Which is a memorable cosplay experience that you have gone through so far?
I would faintly say that all of them, because each cosplay I do after a story and a love for the characters, but I would say that what everyone has in common is the teamwork that I performed with my father. The cosplays brought me closer to my family and brought pride when finally accomplished, this is the most satisfying part.
Do you have any favorite motto or quotes you like to use?
Yes, sure! Independent of the character, do it with all your heart and don’t care what others will say! As long as you’re having fun that’s what matters <3

Star guardian Lux from League of Legends
Have you been in an embarrassing situation that is funny now?
Yes! I would say that in all my cosplays, I always have a problem with my shoes. Once in the middle of the event I lost the sole of my shoe, and it was raining a lot, I had to be barefoot the whole event but wearing the cosplay. Every cosplay I make I have problems with shoes, or they are too tight, or they are too big or else it ends up breaking some part. Funny sad.

Maki and Niko from love live version valentines day
Agatha Pugleise as Niko Yazawa
Which was the last movie you caught and was it any good?
The Avengers, Infinite War. I loved it.

Akame from Akame Ga Kill
If you could time travel, where will you go?
I would very much like to return to the day I went to the amusement park with my uncles. I was very young and that day was scheduled to have a terror event in the evening. I clearly remember losing myself and running scared because of the monsters, it was very funny. In the end I slept on the whole trip.

Fiora headmistress from league of legends
What is the funniest or lamest attempt a guy has tried to know you?
Had once been to the movies with some friends, I was always very slow to notice people who felt something for me, I’m very innocent and I usually do not take anything to malice. So on this day a very funny boy was together, but he was very nosy to someone I met a week ago. He tried in the middle of the movie to straighten my hair, tried to kiss me and hug me. I was not understanding very well what was happening so I went to the bathroom and did not come back for being too bothered. My friends asked me why I disappeared, so I explained and they laughed a lot, it was funny.

Kuroyukihime Merry Christmas from Accel world
Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions Haru. One question before we end, how do you define “sexy”?
I would say something not very vulgar but cute, that arouses interest for the warmest side, nothing so forced.
Follow the amazing Haru on:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/haruhimecosplayer/
Website: https://worldcosplay.net/pt/member/184139
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/haruhimecosplayer/
Upcoming Works:
Cailtyn Police, League of Legends
Kyoko Sakura, Mahout Shoujo Madoka Magika
Rammus, League of legends
Venus, Sailor Moon
Midoriya Izuko, Boku no Hero
Yoko, Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann
Images courtesy of Haru (featured image – Terra from Team Titans)
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