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Cosplayer & Artist Lysi


Hi, thank you so much for having me! My name is Elysia but I go by Lysi. (PrincessLysi on Instagram) I’m from pretty much everywhere. I’ve moved more times across different states than anything else. As for who I am? I’m pretty introverted.  I spend a lot of my time playing Pokemon, writing and drawing. I’m also the biggest animal lover I know, I have 24 animals!

When and how did your inspiration to cosplay start?

I’m very new to cosplay but I’m already so in love with it! I have always loved all things fantasy and being able to dress up! Growing up I didn’t get to dress up for Halloween very often, only simple costumes. Being able to finally express myself and meet friends in a whole new community is so amazing.

Cosplay has given me more confidence in myself and what I can accomplish than I ever had before. Also being able to bring my favorite characters to life with my own special style is my dream!

Which is your most memorable cosplay experience?

I would have to say that being able to cosplay different characters in itself is a memorable experience. The set up process, dressing up and watching yourself bring them to life! It’s all a very amazing experience.

Are there any characters you like to cosplay in future but have not done so?

There are so many characters I plan on cosplaying in the future. To name a few, I would like to cosplay Krul from Owari No Seraph, 002 from Darling in the Franxx and Star Guardian Soraka from League of Legends.

Do you have any other hobbies?

Yes I also really enjoy writing. I have been working on a fantasy book series for the past 8 years. My biggest goal is to finally finish it. I also enjoy digital artwork, which is a new hobby of mine. I plan on opening up my own shop where I can sell stickers and pins!

Which flavor best describes you?

Strawberry would be the best flavor to describe me. I love all things pink! My entire house consists of basically the color scheme black and pink. Also, I don’t like most artificial flavors aside from strawberry!

If you could have a super power, what will it be?

This is a really difficult question actually. I think about this a lot. There are so many different super powers that it’s really hard to choose just one. It’s probably a tie between being able to change into any animal (Beast Boy), mind control (Jean Grey), or teleportation (Enchantress).

What is the funniest or lamest attempt a guy has tried to know you?

Personally I don’t have any moments that I stand out to me, it happens too often for any to be memorable. Most pickup lines are funny to me, most of them are cheesy and you hear them repeated a lot. Guys often send unwanted pictures trying to ‘get to know’ you. It happens to every girl too, it’s gotten to the point where I doubt there is one girl who hasn’t experienced this.

Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions Lysi. One question before we end, how do you define “sexy”? 

For me sexy is being confident in yourself. Looking in the mirror and loving what you see, being able to enjoy yourself despite what anyone else may think. Sexy is loving your flaws, it’s being in love with yourself. Being sexy goes deeper than just physical attributes, it’s your personality. It’s whatever you want it to be.

Follow the beautiful Lysi on:

Twitter: http://twitter.com/princesslysi @princesslysi

Instagram: http://instagram.com/princesslysi @princesslysi

Patreon: http://patreon.com/lysi

Snapchat: elysiarainbow

Buisness Contact: lysibrat@gmail.com

I have a YouTube channel that I will be creating soon. I also will be opening a shop for my art! I post updates for all of my upcoming plans on my twitter!

Images courtesy of Lysi

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