Hi there! My name is Sandy! I am full Taiwanese and have been living in sunny California almost all of my life! I do modeling for fun on the side that I share on my Instagram page. I’m based in LA and would love to meet more of you out here who love photography, fashion, food, blogging, or just about anything!
What is your proudest achievement so far?
I think graduating University is definitely up there! I’m also almost done with grad courses too! It just feels so surreal to be done with school and it excites me to see what the future has in store for me!
Which is the best compliment you have received?
I’d have to say, “You’re so funny!”
Most of the time I’m laughing at my own jokes or just at myself in general. It’s great when someone else thinks I’m funny instead! Heheh
How is your beauty regime like?
My beauty regime is very simple. I get out of bed (eventually), brush, change, throw on some eyeshadow and eyeliner, and I should be out the door in 10! I hate doing my own makeup and I’m terrible at it. I wish I could just wake up to someone who could put on my face for me every morning. What a dream!
Is there something in life you can’t get enough of?
I can’t get enough of life in general. I learn something new every single day and everything amazes me. It warms my heart, for example, to see genuine, caring, and selfless people out there in the world trying to lend a helping hand and making a difference. Although the world gets ugly, I am touched by the amount of love that is still around.
If you could be a cartoon character, who will you be?
That’s easy! I’d definitely be Anna from Frozen because Kristoff is my Disney prince.
How much of a movie buff are you?
Definitely not at all. It’s hard for me to keep up with all the hottest news on celebrities, and nine times out of ten I probably won’t know or at least haven’t fully seen the movie you ask me about. I prefer spending my time binge-watching TV series on Netflix as an alternative.
What is the lamest attempt a guy has tried to know you?
I was on campus in the middle of a phone call and a guy walks up to me and says, “Hey! I follow you on Instagram!” Stunned, I replied, “Oh really? What’s my name?” He thought for a bit and guessed, “A…Ashley??… Ok honestly I don’t know I was just joking but you’re really cute and I wanted to come say hi.”
Hahah what a funny guy, I guess that was a pretty good one thinking back now!
Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions Sandy. One question before we end, how do you define “sexy”?
Sexy to me is about confidence, not cockiness. An individual’s personality and humor defines their “sexy” as well. I think a strong, independent, and confident person with a big, warm heart is sexy to me.
Follow the beautiful Sandy Tsou on:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sandeeecheeks/
Images courtesy of Sandy Tsou
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