I’m originally from Windsor Ontario, Canada. It’s a small city at the very bottom of Canada bordering the Detroit MI, USA. I moved to Las Vegas for a little over two years and missed home so much and ended up moving back “home” to Detroit. Detroit has much to offer despite its reputation. I have many friends that have become family to me here. We all work together on an epic Halloween event called Theatre Bizarre. They’re my carny family and it’s where I met my husband to be. I’m very happy in Detroit.
What is your proudest achievement so far?
I would have to say being crowned Queen of Burlesque, Miss Exotic World in Las Vegas in 2010. It’s the Burlesque Hall of Fame’s pageant that was started by the late and great legend of Burlesque Dixie Evans. She started the pageant to bring more awareness to the Burlesque Hall of Fame’s Museum which was started by her dear friend Jenny Lee who passed many years ago.
Jenny took it upon herself to preserve the history of burlesque and collected artifacts like Sally Rand’s feather fans and items of Gypsy Lee. Now the Burlesque Hall of Fame museum can be found in downtown Las Vegas.
Are there any quotes or mottos that you like to use in life?
Not really.

Photo: Neil Kendall
How is a typical day like for yourself?
Well this is a loaded question. I seriously crave routine. Currently I’m trying to get a new webcam venture off the ground and camming under a different persona so building it up has been taking hella time. I strive to incorporate my creativity into webcam modeling (and a little naughty stuff too of course). The transition has been slow going but I am hopeful it will pick up soon.
So my days have been mostly researching, creating and editing sexy videos and then hopping online to shake my booty. If you want to find me and support my new endeavor in webcam modeling you can find me on myfreecams.com under the name Trixie_Treats. Other than webcamming, I’m a pretty much a homebody. I love making my house a home with my partner and I absolutely love to cook.
Cooking is a passion of mine, always has been. If I’m having a stressful day, spending time creating a new dish really turns my day around. I love to feed people and have people over for dinner parties. I’m have this crazy idea to open a food truck business so currently saving up for that and researching what I need to make my dream a reality.

Photo: Roxi D’Lite Photography (Self Portrait)
Is there something you’ve always wanted to do but haven’t found the time?
Yes! Learn HTML and CSS so I can design a better website. I went to school for graphic design but am more creative. I love to draw and I am great at making logos and designing a page, problem is I can’t link it up. My current website is such a poor representation of my artistic talents. I would love to be able to design it myself, but I never seem to have the time.
Does being a model and performer yourself make photography easier?
Yes, totally! But more so being a pinup model has really lent a lot of skill to my photos. I know what angles ladies look best in and being in front of the camera really helps knowing how to shoot models, and vice versa.

Photo: Lars Kommienezuspadt
If you could collaborate with anyone past or present, who will it be?
Ann Margret. I’m a huge fan. I love how innocently sexual she is, I also have a thing for red heads.

Photo: Lars Kommienezuspadt
Which flavor best describes you?
Either bubblegum cause I’m bubbly, or cinnamon, even though I dislike cinnamon gum.

Photo: Lars Kommienezuspadt
Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions Roxi. One question before we end, how do you define “sexy”?
I think sexy is all about attitude and confidence. Anyone can exude sexy, even unconventionally “pretty” individuals, it’s all a state of mind.
Follow the gorgeous Roxi D’lite on:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/roxi_dlite/
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/roxidlite.fanpage
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/roxi_dlite
I headline as well as produce the burlesque room called The Dirty Devil’s Peepshow at Theatre Bizarre.
Check out our website: http://www.theatrebizarre.com
Featured image courtesy of Roxi D’Lite Photography (Self Portrait)
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