My personal thought on sex…sex is great I love it LOL.
A Good Sexual Experience
A good sexual experience to me is when everything is clicking, the chemistry is there, you’re into the person and that person is into you as well. That’s when you see sparks.
Prolonging Sex
A good sex session should be at least an hour if you’re taking your time and doing it right. There are a few ways to prolong and last longer. The first step for a man is knowing your body. You should know by a certain age how long you can go before you ejaculate, men should know that it’s ok to stop and exit her.
Caress her, kiss her, go down on her again, then re-enter her if its good. And if you want it to last, rinse, wash and repeat and then of course you can always go another round.
What Men Don’t Get During Sex
I think the women are referring to is the lack of intimacy…fellas you have to slow down. These women want to feel us, they want to feel like they are the only woman in the world. You have to kiss her, talk to her during sex, let her know you’re enjoying her just as much as she is enjoying you and please guys, don’t skip the foreplay.
My Favorite Position
I have a position called the Jackpot where I lay her on her side, leave one leg straight and I slightly raise the other leg and put it across her body it gives me a direct shot to her G spot and you just use long slow strokes on that spot. She will go crazy.
Be Experimental & Kink It Up
I’m pretty open minded. I’m actually getting more into BDSM. Role playing is a great way to spice things up in the bedroom. Women get bored with the same sex over and over. Surprise her, sometimes walk up behind her in the kitchen and just take it, catch her fresh out of the shower. It’s ok to NOT be in the bedroom ALL the time. Do it in your car, switch it up fellas.
Mr Klimaxxx – Straight male talent….amateur content creator
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