Hi, I am from Taichung, Taiwan.
Do you have any hobbies or interests?
Singing and dancing, everything with music will attract me. Also, I would like to spend all day in the library to read more books.
What is your beauty regime to looking so gorgeous?
Actually I do nothing about this but I drink a lot of water everyday.
How do you like to spend your weekends?
I like the feeling when I am busy, so I would like to work, work and work.
Where do you love to shop from?
A shop in Feng Chia Night Market.
Can you describe a typical day like for yourself?
Get up at 9:30
Have class from 10:00~13:00
In the library from 14:00~22:00
Sleep at 24:00
Get up at 11:00
Work as a model during 13:00~22:00
Sleep at 24:00
If you could have a super power, what will it be?
If I could know what someone is thinking about, it would be great.
What is the funniest or lamest attempt a guy has tried to know you?
“You are so beautiful and I will fuck you ….”
Just something like that.
Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions Michelle. One question before we end, how do you define “sexy”?
I think it is not about the clothes which you wear, is the story in your eyes.
Follow the lovely Michelle on:
Instagram: www.instagram.com/michelle_meng916
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ymc916/
Images courtesy of Michelle Meng
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