Thanks for the feature and I am Kuan (it’s actually my surname), from Malaysia KL and turning twenty two in a week. I was born with a resting bitch face so people think that I am not friendly enough until they really get to know me. Currently I am a optometry student, super foodie, and running a business of Instagram online clothing stores.
What is your fashion style like?
I am not the one who really follows the latest fashion trends but being casual and comfortable is the fashion style I like. As I am running a Instagram online clothing stores, so all my OOTD actually depends on my WORK. But mostly MOOD is the one I decide for my OOTD.
Which is the best compliment you have received?
To be honest, I have no idea about it. I like it when people tell me I make them happy because I think being happy is the absolute most important thing, but mostly it is related to food as I am a superb foodie.
Are there any hobbies or interests you are into?
Spending time with myself for window shopping, café hoping or a visit to a bookstore.
Is there any item in your wardrobe that is a must have?
Haha, jacket and coats. Denim, bomber, leather, baseball and more, cause it’s the easiest way I can make my OOTD become stylish.
If you could change one thing about the world, what will it be?
Being judgmental and stereotyping.
Have you been in an embarrassing situation that is funny now when you look back?
Haha, it happened when I was in a shopping mall. I didn’t realized I went into the male washroom and all the guys were looking at me with the face, “Are you serious? You gonna come in?”
What turns you off on a date and have you had a bad date experience?
Ermmm, punctuality. I like to reach on time whenever I hang out with someone but I can’t understand why punctuality is so hard for some people.
Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions Yr Kuan. One question before we end, how do you define “sexy”?
To me, sexy is someone who exudes the personal characteristic of self-confidence and humour.
Follow the stunning Yr Kuan on:
Upcoming work:
Will upload new arrivals in my Instagram online clothing stores soon
Images courtesy of Yr Kuan
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