Hello there! My name’s Peppilotta, but you can call me just Peppy. My parents called me so after the main hero of “Pippi Longstocking”. My mother is Russian, while my father is Armenian. I live in Moscow, Russia and I just adore cosplay!
What is your proudest achievement so far?
As a cosplayer I’ve taken part in different events in many countries and was even filmed for a TV show to promote this culture!
Which is the best compliment you have received?
To be honest, every compliment means a lot to me. And frankly speaking, I find it hard to judge them as “good-or-bad”.
Is there a food or drink you won’t ever be caught taking?
It is the durian fruit surely! It stinks! Ewww! Why did people ever decide to eat THAT?!
Have you ever been in an embarrassing situation that is funny now when you look back?
Once, I had gone to Japan, we were working there as cosplayers, and as we started really early and worked till midnight I had no chance to go to the currency exchange. So, in my free time, I made lots of photos as if I was buying presents for my friends or using the Japanese vending machine or playing pachinko. But, I can’t hide the truth, I did none of that in fact.
If you could collaborate with anyone past or present, who will it be?
Surely one of the Kardashian family, I can’t stop watching this show!
What favorite quote(s) or motto(s) do you like to use in life?
You always ask yourself, “Who am I?” I mean as a scientist, American, driver, immigrant. But you should always ask yourself. “Am I shit?”
Which is the funniest or worst attempt a guy has tried to know you?
There are plenty of them! Once a guy passed me his cellphone and almost shouted, “Put down your number! Too little time to explain!”
Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions Peppy. One question before we end, how do you define “sexy”?
I think sexy doesn’t mean just one’s body, posture or cute face. It’s more about brains, character and the soul of a person.
Thank you for your questions, I had a great time and hope to see you more!
Follow the beautiful Peppy on:
Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/ValetzPeppy
Instagram: @peppyy_
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Images courtesy of Peppy
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