Porn is somehow entertainment. It entertains adults in the most human way besides the entertainment of food in a cooking show perhaps. But on the other hand, porn is a political topic too. Since the 1960’s, somehow we do believe everything’s private is political.
To me, not porn, as it is towards a political positioning but who participates in a porn movie is somehow a very political question. Today, you will find people of every cultural background in one and the same porn movie. But even in a queer porn movie, you will not see a woman like me. And you will not see a woman like me in a straight porn movie either. When you know and you point out who you are and who you are not, and what you wish to do or not to do, thing’s are becoming complicated. Because women like me who do not describe themselves as queer, which are not transgendered but who have a sex minority topic are erased not only from society but from other areas too, so the porn industries.
Porn is very much a mirror of society as it is. Porn does not show people how they are. Porn shows queer or straight people as they should be without any question marks.

What Inspired Me To Go Into Porn
You will only be accepted as a porn actress when you are chosen by a casting director first. You have to fit in the eye of the casting director. The casting directors will only accept people they know. And porn movies are about these things “everyone knows”. But when you are not mainstream and even not queer, you have to do everything on your own because it is rarely possible that people like me would be accepted during a usual casting.
So I started my own clips but not for becoming a porn star. I got in front of my own camera to show that I do exist. Because most people do not know people like me or they believe me to be somewhere between fake and surreal.
Challenges I Faced When Starting Out
On one hand I was overwhelmed because of the many clicks. Well today, like everyone on the internet I know the phenomenology of hate speech very well. Some people believe I am not the woman I am. Someone wrote below every clip: This is not a true woman.

What Does Being An Amateur Porn Star Mean?
Today, being a star means to be successful in a commercial mainstream perspective. I am not mainstream, which makes it difficult to be a “true star” nowadays. I am perhaps more a BJ dream to many men.
How Is It Like Being One?
I am truly independent. In the gap where I am visible, there is no mainstream. And without mainstream, you have your freedom. A few weeks ago, I got to see a mainstream porn star contract and I declined signing it because I would have lost my freedom afterwards. When you are commercialized, you are a brand and you will belong to someone else who decides who you are and what you are going to do. This destroys creativity and I do not wish to be someone else.

My Favorite Content
This is a very big question. In short: I still produce BJ clips mainly because in a BJ, I can put or show my expressions. The filming itself does not acquire the most time but I produce more than I put online.
MelKingPoint – My name is MelKingPoint or just Mel. I am a German amateur porn actress producing independent and non commercial blowjob clips since 2013. I am working as an independent escort, too.
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Images courtesy of MelKingPoint
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