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Russian Cosplay Model Itsu


Hello, my name is Stanislava, but you can call me Itsu! I am a Russian cosplay model, costume and wig maker and just a geek! I cosplay characters from games, anime, movies and cartoons. My passion is taking beautiful and atmospheric photos and videos in cosplay.  In my ordinary life I study linguistics and I’m going to be a teacher of English and Korean languages.

How did you get started into cosplaying and how long have you been doing it?

I have been cosplaying since 2013 when my friend gave me their cosplay costume and took some photos of me in it. My works were really bad back then, so only in 2017, I started taking this hobby more seriously and good cosplays started to appear. My passion for cosplay is really huge and I am really happy when other people appreciate my work.

Which cosplay character have you enjoyed cosplaying most?

It might be obvious but this character is D.Va from Overwatch! Back in 2016 my best friend told me I should try to cosplay her and I fell in love! I love her character, design of her skins, her voice lines in game, everything! I have already made more than 10 versions of D.Va and not gonna stop! 🙂

On a scale of 1-10, how much of a foodie are you?

Solid 10! I am an omnivore and I am always eating something.  If I’m hungry I can’t work normally, I become mad and nasty. So you better don’t mess with me when I’m starving.

Is there a city or country you’ve always like to travel to for a holiday?

Since I study Korean language in university and I am a huge k-pop fan too, I’d really love to visit South Korea. I love Korean food, music, and culture so that’s why it is my dream travel destination!

Would you rather be able to control fire or water?

I consider fire as a very destructive and aggressive element, whereas water for me is associated with harmony and calmness. I’d rather choose water at least because it can be transformed into steam and ice – that’s useful in life!

If you could time travel, what will you like to witness or experience?

I’d like to visit the 80’s or 90’s since I love everything that was created during those years. I really like movies, music, pop culture, style and the atmosphere of this time period!

What is a funny or lame attempt a guy has tried to know you?

In real life guys rarely try to get to know me. Perhaps it’s because I look like I’m 15 without makeup and in casual clothes haha. But sometimes I receive weird messages in my DM. The weirdest one was when one guy asked me if he could be my slave and even though he was very polite after my rejection it still was a bit creepy haha.

Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions Itsu. One question before we end, how do you define “sexy”? 

It’s simple as 2 + 2 for me: sexy person = attractive, intelligent, kind and cute. This combo of traits means being sexy for me.

Follow the fabulous Itsu on

Instagram: instagram.com/kawaiitsu

Twitter: twitter.com/kawaiitsu_cos

Gumroad: gumroad.com/kawaiitsu

TikTok: tiktok.com/@kawaiitsuu

Reddit: http://www.reddit.com/user/kawaiitsu/

Images courtesy of Itsu

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