Pardon my language, but I call my fashion style “baby prostitute”. My friends and family constantly tell me how I wear baby clothes. Crop tops and shorts are my go to. And I’m not into expensive branded clothing. Most of my clothes are from the dearly beloved SHEIN.

Do you have any fashion accessories that you cannot live without?
Yes, a chain necklace.
Which 3 things do you enjoy doing most in the city you live in?
I live in La Union. Which is a surf town. So I’m constantly surfing and if there are no waves, I skate.

On a scale of 1-10, how much of an adventurer are you?
If you could time travel, what will you like to witness?
THE FUTURE!! Like thousands of years from now. I bet the world will be so much cooler.

Would you rather have the power to speak to animals or control objects?
Control objects. If I can understand animals, they might not be so cute anymore .
What do you not get about guys?
A lot.

Thank you for taking the time to answer our questionsMinnie. One question before we end, how do you define”sexy”?
Being kind!!! Man, for me personally nothing is hotter than someone being kind on a regular basis .
Follow the pretty Minnie Nato on
Instagram: @minnienato
TikTok: @minnienato
Images courtesy of Minnie Nato
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