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Model & Entrepreneur Maddy Pelosi


The first photo shoot I ever did was when I was 17. It was with a senior photographer who wanted me to be the face on his business cards. I posted the photos on Facebook and got contacted by a photographer in SF to shoot . That photographer told me about this website which you could book freelance modeling jobs on. I tried it out, booked a bunch of shoots that year, and after I had a portfolio to show, I signed with an agency at 18 that I am still currently with!

Which is your most memorable photoshoot experience?

My most memorable photo shoot would probably be a shoot I did for a paddle board company. We sailed out on a beautiful yacht right by the Golden Gate Bridge, and I went out and paddle boarded praying that I wouldn’t fall into the freezing water! It was just a really fun day and cool experience overall.

Where did the inspiration for Luxe Infusions come from?

The inspiration for my company, Luxe Infusions, came from #1, my love for cannabis and the ability it has to really help people with different issues. One of the things my company produces is CBD topicals, and my grandparents love it so much they actually were able to significantly reduce the amount of pain killers they took and use a natural remedy as an alternative. I am also in school for business and it has always been a dream of mine to own my own company and be a boss!

Is there something you’ve always wanted to do or learn but haven’t had the time?

Something I have always wanted to do is learn another language. My grandma speaks seven different languages and I think that is amazing! I travel very often and always wished I could communicate with people in their native language.

Do you believe in any superstition?

I don’t know if you would call karma a superstition, but that is something I most definitely believe in. I really have seen first hand that if you put out good energy into the world and do good in general, good things will come back to you.

Which flavor best describes you?

I would describe my flavor as sweet, probably because I love sweets! Lol.

What is the funniest or lamest attempt a guy has tried to know you?

The lamest/most funny attempt for a guy to get to know me was when I was walking to my car after a modeling job and some guy taps me on the shoulder and says, “Do you believe in love at first sight ? Or should I walk by again.” Lol I just laughed and didn’t really know what to say!

Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions Maddy. One question before we end, how do you define “sexy”? 

I define sexy as an attitude… Sexy is being classy, confident in yourself, and living the life you imagine for yourself.

Follow the gorgeous Maddy Pelosi on:

Instagram: @Maddypelosi 

Snapchat: maddypelosi

Facebook: Maddy Pelosi

FB modeling page: Maddy nicole


Images courtesy of Maddy Pelosi

Like to be featured on SimplySxy? Drop us an email at editorial@SimplySxy.com!

Los Angeles Model & Blogger Sandy Tsou


Hi there! My name is Sandy! I am full Taiwanese and have been living in sunny California almost all of my life! I do modeling for fun on the side that I share on my Instagram page. I’m based in LA and would love to meet more of you out here who love photography, fashion, food, blogging, or just about anything!

What is your proudest achievement so far?

I think graduating University is definitely up there! I’m also almost done with grad courses too! It just feels so surreal to be done with school and it excites me to see what the future has in store for me!

Which is the best compliment you have received?

I’d have to say, “You’re so funny!”

Most of the time I’m laughing at my own jokes or just at myself in general. It’s great when someone else thinks I’m funny instead! Heheh

How is your beauty regime like?

My beauty regime is very simple. I get out of bed (eventually), brush, change, throw on some eyeshadow and eyeliner, and I should be out the door in 10! I hate doing my own makeup and I’m terrible at it. I wish I could just wake up to someone who could put on my face for me every morning. What a dream!

Is there something in life you can’t get enough of?

I can’t get enough of life in general. I learn something new every single day and everything amazes me. It warms my heart, for example, to see genuine, caring, and selfless people out there in the world trying to lend a helping hand and making a difference. Although the world gets ugly, I am touched by the amount of love that is still around.

If you could be a cartoon character, who will you be?

That’s easy! I’d definitely be Anna from Frozen because Kristoff is my Disney prince.

How much of a movie buff are you?

Definitely not at all. It’s hard for me to keep up with all the hottest news on celebrities, and nine times out of ten I probably won’t know or at least haven’t fully seen the movie you ask me about. I prefer spending my time binge-watching TV series on Netflix as an alternative.

What is the lamest attempt a guy has tried to know you?

I was on campus in the middle of a phone call and a guy walks up to me and says, “Hey! I follow you on Instagram!” Stunned, I replied, “Oh really? What’s my name?” He thought for a bit and guessed, “A…Ashley??… Ok honestly I don’t know I was just joking but you’re really cute and I wanted to come say hi.”

Hahah what a funny guy, I guess that was a pretty good one thinking back now!

Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions Sandy. One question before we end, how do you define “sexy”?

Sexy to me is about confidence, not cockiness. An individual’s personality and humor defines their “sexy” as well. I think a strong, independent, and confident person with a big, warm heart is sexy to me.

Follow the beautiful Sandy Tsou on:

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sandeeecheeks/

Images courtesy of Sandy Tsou

Like to be featured on SimplySxy? Drop us an email at editorial@SimplySxy.com!

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Singaporean Actor & Host Munah Bagharib


I’m an actor and a host in Singapore. I love adventure, getting up to crazy odd things (very vague I know) and cats.

What do you enjoy most about acting?

It’s the process of building the character that excites me and tapping into emotions and memories that I’d never usually go into. I’m a very guarded person and I used to never allow myself to “feel”. Not in front of people at least. But there is something about acting that liberates me to feel.

Photo: @shaunybravo

Which is your most memorable photoshoot or acting experience so far?

Oh man, this is a tough one. I guess I resonate most with the works where it has challenged me and my abilities. If I really had to pick one, it would be my first monolouge piece that I did as part of an arts festival. It was called, “Ana” and was part of Teater Ekamatra’s Projek Suitcase. It was the first show where I had to allow myself to be vulnerable.

And to be vulnerable alone, in front of complete strangers, was nerve wrecking. But it changed me and forced me to be brave. Like literally forced me because you know, the show had to go on despite the crazy nerves. Haha. It was also a piece that spoke to me and is a story that is close to my heart – it spoke about woman’s strength, courage and faith.

What is the best compliment you have received?

Haha, that I’m more than meets the eye. 😉 That was nice to hear and to know.

Photo: @btonelli

How will you describe your fashion style?

At this point in my life, I’ve begun to like sophisticated edginess. Something bold yet tame at the same time, when I’m dressing up for an occasion. But on my off days, I like to keep what I wear casual.

Is there something you’ve always wanted to do or learn but haven’t had the time?

Piano lessons! I’ve been meaning to take them so that I can start playing with my mum. Is this a third degree question? Are you trying to remind me to make time for it in my schedule?

Ok, doing it now! Hee.

Photo: @mrhellofai

Which flavor best describes you?

Coconut! Because I’m… interesting. And cool. =D

Photo: @btonelli

What is an ideal first date to you?

It would be something thrilling like a roller coaster theme park or a scuba diving trip or jumping off an airplane! But I’d settle for just hanging at the coffee shop over some yummy food and talking.

Photo: @teaterekamat

Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions Munah. One question before we end, how do you define “sexy”? 

I’d define sexy as being authentic and confident.

Follow the amazing Munah Bagharib on:

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/munahbagharib/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/munahbagharib

Catch me on “Celebrity Car Wars” premiering on History Channel in September. I am working on another prouction with Teater Ekamatra called, “Bulan Madu” that will run from October 27 to 28.

Featured image courtesy of @shaunybravo

Like to be featured on SimplySxy? Drop us an email at editorial@SimplySxy.com!

New York Entrepreneur Olivia Lam


Thank you for the feature! I’m a Malaysian Chinese born in Buffalo, New York.

Where do you usually shop from?

No particular brand! I prefer exploring interesting boutique shops from different places around the world. The more unique the better 😉

Do you have a beauty regime you follow strictly?

Keeping your skin hydrated and moisturizing everyday is essential!

How do you like to spend your free time?

Depends on my mood. If I’m feeling adventurous, I would love to go outdoors and explore, but other times, I also enjoy just staying in with a good novel.

Have you been in an embarrassing situation that is funny now?

Infinite times! Glad those days are over.

If you had the opportunity to learn anything in this world, what will it be?

Learning how to communicate with animals! Especially alpacas. I have a thing for alpacas.

What is the sexiest item in your wardrobe?

Does Active Wear count? I heard healthy is the new sexy.

Have you ever been on a bad date?

HAHA let’s not go into details.

Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions Olivia. One question before we end, how do you define “sexy”? 

Sexy is a state of mind.

Follow the lovely Olivia Lam on:

Online Fashion Shop IG: @shoplavista

Personal IG account: @livvylammm

Images courtesy of Olivia Lam

Like to be featured on SimplySxy? Drop us an email at editorial@SimplySxy.com!

The Seven Veils


The Seven Veils is an ancient sexual practice designed to connect the energy field and life force that flows between partners. It is comprised of 7 powerful elements that combine together to create a deep spiritual connection.

Due to social norms and learnt behaviour shaped by surface-level awareness and commercial influence, our views on intimacy often fit within a myopic context. Many of our sexual encounters tend to neglect the full potential of what we are truly capable of as beings of raw energy.

The Seven Veils place great emphasis on each stage of arousal. They can last days, weeks and even months as we move beyond our over-reliance on climax based interaction for meaningful intimacy. The Seven Veils focus on developing a strong spiritual bond through physical and mental arousal from eye contact and sensual touch, to the deepest form of penetration.

Some Shamans believe the act of sexual unification creates a long-lasting mystical connection between people independent of love or any other emotions. They believe a field of energy is created that facilitates the transference of positive or negative energy back and forth.

There are individuals who consciously and subconsciously feed off other people’s energy and use it to nourish their own without giving anything in return. Many people will have experienced this to some extent, so whether or not we agree with the shaman’s interpretation, it is not without merit.

At a Glance

We have all experienced hard-wired instinctive arousal from simply making eye contact with someone whom we are attracted to. What proceeds is an intricate and complex mating dance designed to ascertain whether it is a worthwhile investment to allow the removal of a protective veil.

The Seven Veils provide a way to truly embrace these intense feeling of arousal at every stage, ultimately leading to a deeper understanding of the needs, wants and desires between partners.

Beyond Time

Whilst comprised of 7 elements as a whole, each is explored independently to the fullest extent possible. Once the desired level of intimacy within an element has been achieved, only then will the next veil be revealed. There is no ascension or progression as such as each element exist autonomously, even though when combined they form a greater sum.

The Seven Veils create an environment where we can be fully present and experience arousal on an incremental level. The sequenced unveiling provides a way to consciously observe these sensations and intricately weave them together in harmony.

One element does not necessarily lead to the next and it is very possible that penetration may not feature as a part of a journey. Partners may decide at any time that they have achieved their desired level of connection. Although conversely, they may decide that a particular element requires significantly more exploration in order to help address certain issues. There is no obligation to define a time frame or impose restrictions that may prohibit enjoyment. All that is required is a desire to please and a willingness to explore beyond your comfort zone.

Extreme Arousal

During extreme states of arousal for both men and women, the brain floods the body full of Adrenaline, dopamine, and oxytocin. The blood pressure soars, causing the woman’s vulva to become moist and swollen, and the man appears to lose the power of thought as he succumbs to a drug-induced state of euphoria.

This is the result of our emotions telling our body in a not-so-subtle way that we are ready to mate. Many people are painfully aware that emotions are often terrible at making decisions. The Seven Veils aid in the mental discipline required for transmutation of intense sexual energy between partners. This can lay the foundation for a new level of desire and a permanent state of arousal that can last indefinitely.

Growth and Commitment

By keeping an open mind and letting go of insecurities and expectations, we are able to heal old wounds and limiting self-beliefs. As the veils naturally unravel within a safe and caring environment we can embrace a much deeper spiritual connection. This requires patience and an awareness of self that is developed through focus and dedication.

As amazing as this may sound, The Seven Veils require a high level of commitment and self-discipline. It is not something to be entered in to lightly, as certain elements need to be agreed prior to embarking upon this journey. We are largely creatures of habit and impulse, and this can lead to frustration when emotions start to run awry.

The appeal of 7 Veils may be somewhat niche but for those who choose to embrace it, I fail to see how this process could not change one’s perspective on what is really possible. But in order to achieve this, a certain level of vulnerability is required.

However, the pervasive nature by which we view vulnerability within society (for men especially) is wholly counter-productive and requires conscious effort to rewire these false perceptions. The specific context of vulnerability is what determines its nature, as it is inherently neither positive nor negative. Having said that, I believe this gives credence to the importance of partner selection, attitude and setting to ensure mental and physical well-being.


As alluded to above, preparation is of vital importance so before discussing the 7 specific stages, I will share some general guidelines that you may want to observe.

Timeframe: It is very much down to the individuals involved but the practice of The Seven Veils usually lasts from 7 days to a month. There is no definitive duration and it can indeed last however long is deemed necessary to achieve the desired objective.

Schedule: Agree on a schedule for when and how the ritual will take place. Dates and times should be consistent and provide a manageable and realistic framework for all involved. For example; a 3-hour session for a duration of 7 days may work well for some, whereas others may prefer shorter sessions spanning a month or two.

Flexibility: Despite the best intentions plans do change, as well as emotions and feelings. This is not about creating a rigid blueprint, as this will completely defeat the purpose. Focus on the objective, put the other person first, and mutual respect will create the equilibrium needed.

Environment: I would be remiss if I did not emphasize again the level of impact setting can have on this type of practice. A warm, safe and comfortable space free of distractions with candles and an Aroma diffuser can really help to add to the ambience. Decide what works best for you.

Positions: There is something extremely erotic about looking your partner directly in the eye and holding their gaze. Sit, stand or lay opposite your partner so you are close enough to touch and smell each other’s scent.

Cohesion: When both partners are ready to move on to the next stage, the new element will now fuse with the previous. The previous element will be allocated a fraction of the time as to allow for focus on a new area of development. This method maintains cohesion between all elements as partners evolve. However, if a particular element proves especially challenging, it can be isolated completely to allow for intense focus if required.

Translation: There may be some specific phrases or concepts that do not translate perfectly across the various sexual preferences and relationship models that we enjoy. I have attempted to present The Seven Veils in a way that is inclusive of all but still remain true to the essence of the original philosophy. No offence is intended if I have fallen short of this in certain areas. I believe The Seven Veils can be applied to any caring relationship dynamic.

The Seven Veils – Step By Step

  1. The First Veil

– Face and Hands

– Fully dressed above the clothes

– Gentle caress & massage

The first veil can be likened to when wild animals first meet and begin sizing each other up. A primal level of intimate connection takes place as you gaze directly into each other’s soul. From a warm delicate feather-light stroke of the hand to a subtle kiss on the side of the face, you both slowly start to unravel.

Biting or kissing on the lips is out of bounds as the objective is to gently feel and sense every vein, every crease in the skin and every hair follicle on the hands and face. With eyes open, tune in and paying close attention to all involuntary reactions like a deep shiver running down the spine or goosebump emerging on the back of the hand. Move in close alongside their face and inhale deeply, taking in the scent of their hair and the heat coming off their skin as blood surges through their body.

Communicate and ask how they feel, what they like, where they want to be touched and what they can visualise. Take time to slowly absorb your partner’s essence and channel it back to them through touch and genuine desire. This is all about a tactile connection so remember to breath, let go and explore.

  1. The Second Veil

– Full body

– Fully dressed underneath clothes

– Light kissing, caress & massage

– No erogenous zones

The Second Veil fades away to reveal the neck, arms, torso and feet. The face and hands are also incorporated but all erogenous zones including the breast, genitals, buttocks and anus are out of bounds. Hands now move under the clothes and are free to explore the landscape including the shoulders, chest, stomach, lower back, legs, knees, ankles and feet.

With the focus on the breathing, the sensation of touch and your partner’s reaction, you can fully embrace this trilateral union of sensory delight. Visualise and learn to control the waves of energy as if conducting an orchestra. Take time to isolate certain sensations like the feel of hair follicles gently being stroked back and forth, as well as the absence of touch to heighten anticipation.

The skin is a field of electric current that comes alive with energy shooting signals directly to the brain every time you touch. And the more you nurture it, the stronger the current becomes, eventually providing enough energy to create a constant flow of arousal that encapsulates you both.

  1. The Third Veil

– Full body

– Fully dressed

– Kissing on lips, licking, biting and sucking

– Including Breast and buttocks

– No erogenous

At The Third Veil, you will now move beyond the surface and engage as much of the body as you can access. Passionate and steamy kissing, massaging the breast and stroking the buttocks can require a seemingly unnatural level of self-control but this is precisely what is required. Erogenous zones like the vagina, anus and nipples are still out of bounds but you can move in close and listen to your partner’s heartbeat race in anticipation.

You can lick, suck and bite but restraint is still required as there are no tongues at this stage. Take this time to really explore The Third Veil’s full potential. Tease every inch of your partner until their body contorts with desire. Use all your senses from smell and touch to sight and hearing. Use your body weight to apply pressure to different parts as arousal increases.

Remember to focus on your breathing and be sure to help your partner remain in sync with you as much as possible. This takes a lot of practice and dedication but the goal is to maintain an intense state of arousal that you can channel between you and your partner.

  1. The Forth Veil

– Full body

– Skin to skin, Underwear

– Kissing with tongues, licking, biting and sucking

– Including Nipples and buttocks

– No genitals or anus

The Forth veil is often the tipping point where emotions erupt as skin meets skin and minds fuse together. The Forth Veil allows for underwear, sexy lingerie and kinky outfits if so desired. At this stage, there is full body contact with only a thin veil restricting full access to the most sensitive regions.

Instead of stripping these away, learn to use them to build desire. The longing is in the thought of that which is denied – this is an extremely powerful concept to master because it teaches you how to nurture intense sexual desire not only within yourself but your partner too.

Tongues are permitted but the genitals and anus are still out of bounds. The licking, sucking and kissing of nipples can be so overwhelming that all notions of restraint fade into the distance. However, The Seven Veils provide the mental aptitude needed to navigate between the intoxicating allure of immediate release and the added intensity of delayed gratification. The goal is to achieve a state of extreme arousal and harmonious tranquillity as desire surges through the body, mind and spirit.

  1. The Fifth Veil

– Full body

– Naked

– Everything including oral and masturbation permitted

– No penetration or male ejaculation

The Fifth Veil is wickedly seductive, so much so that few are able to explore the full extent of this realm as partners are usually operating from a space of pure instinct. Although The Fifth Veil permits everything besides penetration and male ejaculation the goal is not necessarily female orgasm or oral pleasure.

The goal is to explore the entire body to the fullest whilst having these cards on the table. Use your tongue, saliva, hands, body, face, breath, sweat – every ounce of your being to explore every curve, every dip, every arch, every erogenous zone including the anus. Find out where your boundaries are and address them through honest open communication without fear of judgment.

When tasting each other be sure to relish all the flavours and textures. When performing cunnilingus and tasting her orgasm, look beyond the physical and embrace the gift of pure sexual energy manifested. Drink it, bath in it and enjoy the fruits the yoni has to offer.

When performing fellatio use your hands and mouth in rhythm with each other, as a potter would delicately caress clay on a wheel. Wrap your tongue around it, tease the head, swallow it whole, spit on it, let saliva slowly run down the shaft and watch his every response.

The goal of The Fifth Veil is to learn to apply this level of erotic desire to the entire body, not just the genitals and erogenous zones. An earlobe or the back of the neck can be magnetised with so much energy that it can bring a partner to orgasm with the lightest touch.

For women in particular, The Fifth Veil provides the perfect environment for deep arousal to be nurtured slowly as men often tend to move past this element quickly in their quest to conquer.

  1. The Sixth Veil

– Full body

– Naked

– Full Penetration

– No male ejaculation

The Sixth Veil represents the first element where full penetration is permitted but this must be tempered with a more holistic perspective. Again penetration is not the ultimate goal to be hastened towards, but it is important to embrace it fully and enjoy.

Take time and feel each other in every way possible, slow down, keep still, sense the throbbing of the penis or the palpitation of the vagina. Sit deep inside your partner and use all the skills from the previous veils and move harmoniously between them.

Learn how to channel your desire in different ways. Use touch and visualise your energy flowing in a constant cycle between your mind and that of your partner, similar to a figure of ‘8’. When penetrating or performing oral pleasure pay close attention to every response, every twitch and every moan. Listen to their heartbeat as it races and blood floods the brain. Feel every inch of your partner’s insides as you slowly stroke, push, pull and ride the penis or vagina. Take time to find their most intricate erogenous zones that only the most tentative of lovers will ever discover.

You can ask your partner on a scale of 1 to 5 how close they are to orgasm and decide where in that spectrum you’ll like them to remain. You may decide to have them constantly fluctuate between two points and push them to their limit, or you may want to keep them at the lower end of the spectrum as you pace your session.

For both men and women, this not only requires a deep level of self-restraint but also vulnerability and trust because you will have gifted your partner with complete power over your orgasm. This creates a connection that exists far beyond the physical and is embedded deep within the psyche – I’ll come back to this later on.

In any case, this may be a completely new experience and the desire to let go may be too much to maintain. This is all part of the learning process and if this happens, let go and enjoy it free of guilt. The point to remember is that every experience is a lesson and there is no time limit. You may choose at any stage to extend the time frame allocated to better master the skills or this may be as far as you decide to go – which is fine. At least you and your partner will know where your boundaries are and you will be able to choose whether to go beyond or remain. It is completely up to you.

  1. The Seventh Veil

– Full body

– Naked

– Full Penetration

– Male Ejaculation

The removal of The Seventh Veil signals the magical union of the man’s semen and the woman’s egg. This acts represents the fusion of the spirit’s life force through physical ejaculation deep inside the vaginal canal. This Seventh Veil more than any other represents the deepest state of arousal as the body overdoses on a chemical high. But again, ejaculation is not the goal – the goal is to learn how to channel this energy that it may be transmuted throughout the body.

The act of tasting your partner’s ejaculation is akin to absorbing their orgasmic energy in physical form – and should be cherished as such. Ejaculation should be lovingly teased and nurtured as you would a delicate flower. Extend this moment of gratification for as long as possible and internalise this energy so it becomes part of you.

The key to controlling ejaculation is deep breathing and mental discipline but this subject is a vast topic deserving of a much more comprehensive explanation so I advise those who are interested to investigate further.

Mastery of The Seventh Veil can result in intense multiple and full body orgasms for both male and female. This can open up a completely new dimension and provide a clue as to our true potential as beings of infinite energy manifested in the physical realm.

This leads to the previous point I mentioned in The Sixth Veil regarding the connection that exists beyond the physical. It is with this in mind that I feel an all-encompassing new ‘Eighth Veil’ is required to bind them all.

The Eighth Veil

– All is Mind

– Deep breathing

– No physical contact

The Eighth Veil transcends the physical and permeates the very core of our being – the conscious mind. Our perception of emotions, desires, fears and reality itself are all formed in the cradle of the mind. However, due to our over-reliance on our external senses, many of us tend to focus on what is outside, rather than what is within. The way we respond to our partner’s energy is based on our own perception and interpretation, not theirs.

The Eighth Veil looks to fine-tune the senses through conscious thought, internal reflection, meditation and breath work. Take time to really appreciate the mental and spiritual aspect of your connection with your partner. Think about how you feel when they look deep into your soul, or when they are inside you moments away from climax. Think about how they taste when they cum in your mouth and how their body starts to twitch and spasm.

This is potent energy many of us rarely utilise, but through meditation and breath work we are able to tap into our subconscious frequency and amplify it. Inhale positivity and let it nourish your being, and at the same time exhale toxins and any negative emotions. Remove all distractions and make time to simply exist in the moment.

The Eighth Veil combined with the original seven provides the ideal framework for sexual development that nurtures mind, body and spirit. There is no defined end goal or ultimate state of being, only the journey of constant evolution that all truth seekers embrace.

Final Thoughts

Some Taoists believe sexual intercourse is a spiritual practice that brings about long-lasting unions between partners. As we search for new levels of enlightenment and more meaningful ways to connect, we should always be clear on what we would like a partner to bring to the table.

We are all on a journey of self-discovery and the partners we choose to embrace along the way will help to shape the path. Once we are free to move beyond fear and insecurities the spirit opens up and the body follows suit. We are beings of energy manifested in the physical realm, but reality is not defined by what we see – it is defined by what we feel.

Madison James is a degree educated 38 year old international male escort from London with a keen interest in BDSM, Tantra and massage. He has an aptitude for intellectual conversation, an inquisitive mind and a genuine desire to help women embrace their sexuality one orgasm at a time!

This article was originally published at https://www.themadisonjames.com/single-post/2018/07/17/The-Seven-Veils

Follow Madison James at http://www.thefiftyshadesofgreyexperience.co.uk/

Featured image republished from https://www.themadisonjames.com/single-post/2018/07/17/The-Seven-Veils
Have an amazing experience or tips you like to share on SimplySxy? Drop us an email at editorial@SimplySxy.com!

Japanese Nude Model Towa


Hi. Nice to meet you. I’m a nude model from Japan. I’m making art works with a photographer and I live in Tokyo. Tokyo is an exciting city!

What is your fashion style like?

Recently I like easy and casual and simple clothes. Casual dress wear as well.

Which accessories are a must in your wardrobe?

I wear three pieces everyday. It’s very small but I like it. And perfume and a hat.

Do you have any favorite food you can’t live without?

Curry rice, yakitori, ice cream, coffee, and whisky;)

How is a typical day like for you?

I mainly do massage work and shooting. I watch movies, and eat delicious food and laugh.

What is your beauty regime like?

I like the muscles of my back. I don’t like my face. Haha.

If you could have a super power, what will it be?

I want a super power to be loved forever.

What is an ideal first date for you?

Watching movies and delicious dinner 🙂

Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions Towa. One question before we end, how do you define “sexy”? 

Sexy can be for better or worse, but it is more likely to be fun. I want to enjoy more Eros. Thank you for a fun time!

Follow the beautiful Towa on:

Instagram: http://Instagram.com/littleodyssey7

Twitter: https://mobile.twitter.com/littleodyssey_

Images courtesy of Towa

Like to be featured on SimplySxy? Drop us an email at editorial@SimplySxy.com!


Entrepreneur, Life Coach & Writer Iris Cherng


Hey! Thanks so much for having me. I’m 25 years old, and I’m a female Founder, CEO, and Creative Director at Honey Belle, Inc. I’m also a life coach, real estate investor, and an aspiring writer. I started my first business (Honey Belle) in my kitchen in 2013, and that’s where my creative and entrepreneurial journey started. Our products are now sold in over 1000 stores nation-wide! I was born and raised in Southern California, and am predominantly in the Orange County and Greater Los Angeles area.

What is your proudest achievement so far?

It would have to be starting my own business, and having exponential growth. When I started the business in 2013, everyone had all their doubts! Friends chuckled, family members shrugged and laughed. In 2015, the year after I graduated college, I got really into these self-development classes, and that’s when I realized there was so much stopping me in achieving everything I dreamt and sought after. So, I quit my job in 2015 with my boyfriend Calvin and we never looked back. Our first year of business in 2016, we were able to generate a revenue of over 6 figures at $150K. The next year in 2017, we tripled our growth and generated $500K. Now, for 2018, we’re still growing and are working with larger retailers like Ulta, and are in discussion with Target, CVS, and WholeFoods.

Which is the best compliment you have received?

I was 14 years old. I was at Lawry’s Prime Rib with my family, and I had just stepped outside on the phone over an argument with my teen boyfriend. I came back into the restaurant a little flustered and teary-eyed, and a forty-something aged man stopped me and said, “You are so beautiful, and you will be accomplishing GREAT things in life.” He said this in the most sincere and inspiring and non-creepy way.. I will never forget how much he stumped me!

Where did the inspiration behind Honey Belle come from?

Like I mentioned earlier, I started this line of beauty products in my kitchen in 2013, when my mom and I realized that using commercially bought products had so many chemicals, to a point where it started amplifying our skin reactions and allergies. My mom (who’s a holistic herbalist doctor) had this sudden realization that she could make her own lotions out of her knowledge about herbs, and it inspired me to look further for natural alternatives and recipes. At the time, I was in my third year of college at University of California, Santa Barbara, and I realized that everything natural plus organic was suuuper out of my price range! Especially as a broke college student… so naturally… I started making my own!

Do you have any guilty indulgences for food?

Yes definitely! All types of food. Sweets like freshly-baked cookies, ice cream.. any type of artisanal chocolate… LOVE trying any and every type of chip (I’m a chip connoisseur). I also really like burritos. And french fries. Oh my god – yes. French fries. Yes…. That’s all I need in my life.

Would you rather be able to teleport or read minds?

I’d rather teleport without a doubt! I would love it if I could travel to any part of the world, and be in any place at any given time. With mind-reading, I’m not sure if I’m ready to hear alllllll of people’s thoughts……

If you could collaborate with anyone past or present, who will it be?

If I could collaborate with anyone, it would be Jessica Alba and the Honest Company! She’s such an inspiration, and she created an entire beauty line and brand from nothing! I would love to partner with her on an exclusive line, or even just to host an event together would be so amazing.

What is an ideal first date to you?

My ideal first date.. wow! I haven’t had a first date in 5 years… But.. we would have a nice dinner at a thoughtful restaurant, and we would share our meals family-style to be able to try all our food choices! Going somewhere lively yet private would be lovely. After dinner we’d grab ice cream and stroll the streets, and have engaging conversations about our ambitions, our fears, and anything to get to know each other really. We would end the night by getting late-night tacos, and just laugh the night away together..

Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions Iris. One question before we end, how do you define sexy?

Sexy, to me, is capturing the essence, beauty, and desire of being. It captures the physical, emotional, and mental ability to be confident in your actions, be courageous in your thoughts, and be self-expressed and communicative to people in the face of fear. It’s sexy to be smart, it’s sexy to be ambitious, and it’s sexy to want to make a difference in the world!

Follow the talented Iris Cherng on:

Instagram: www.instagram.com/iris_honeybelle

Instagram: www.instagram.com/honeybelleshop

Website: www.honeybelleshop.com

Images courtesy of Iris Cherng

Like to be featured on SimplySxy? Drop us an email at editorial@SimplySxy.com!


Sharing My Escorting Experiences


I love my job! I get to meet some amazing people. Giving pleasure either physically or emotionally inspires me. I love to make people happy so this was the right work choice for me.

How I Got Started Into Escorting

Someone had suggested it to me. I did a little research and then found an ad in the newspaper looking for “models”. I decided why not, to try this out.. I wasn’t exactly sure what it was. I called and a couple of dudes showed up to interview me. I was shocked at first when they told me what the job entailed. Lol but then I thought, why not try it… I love meeting new people, love men, and sex.   I was lucky with my first appointment as it was his first time with an escort., so we just jumped into the action as if we were long lost, lovers.

They thought I was too old at first (I was 35) but I fooled them and I turned out to be the most popular. When I realized this, I quit the agency and went indie.  Life hasn’t been the same since.

Highs & Lows Of Escorting

Traveling around the world. Meeting wonderful people is definitely a high. Being able to pay for my children’s education. Seeing the smiles on the men’s faces when they meet you. Getting gifts and thank you letters. As much as I aim to please men..they please me in so many ways. A simple thank you goes a long way.

Lows…Having people not reading your website and asking stupid questions. Guys not showing up for appointments. The new Fosta-Sesta law in the States isn’t helping much either.

Why are we fighting for our rights as women? I thought this was 2018, not the middle ages. I feel as if a part of me is missing. Why can’t we as women do what we want? Our bodies our minds are our choice.

You’ll probably not find anyone more against sex trafficking then us independent sex workers.  We decide who we see and when. I say independent because what we make is all ours. We see who we want, when we want.

So now there are more lows…ladies having to move to the streets, losing their income. Their independence. Especially in the USA but it has affected the whole industry all over the world.

Misconceptions About Escorting

We don’t all have pimps or work for someone. We don’t work 24/7.  We don’t see just anyone. Just because you contacted me doesn’t mean I’m going to see you. We are not all on drugs. I don’t do drugs at all and rarely do I have a drink.

How The Escorting Industry Works

To be an escort, You need to be good at what you do.. You need to understand men and know what they are looking for. It’s not always sex. You should have confidence in yourself. Once you are ready to proceed then you have to advertise.  Once you start getting calls, emails, you should screen your potential clients before making a date with them. We screen for our safety. Screening is usually pretty easy. The gentlemen gives us a name of another escort he’s met and we contact her to see if she indeed met him and if he is safe. Once all this is out of the way, you make your plans with him and enjoy your time together.

Emma Alexandra – I’m Emma Alexandra your mature passionate companion. I stand 5’4” with a voluptuous body. Everything is real… wink!

My personality, warmth and affection are genuine and seriously contagious. I’m a sparkle of sunshine In your day. I love to love!

Follow Emma Alexandra on

Website: https://www.emmaalexandrapage.co/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/uniquilyyours





Images courtesy of Emma Alexandra

Like to be featured on SimplySxy? Drop us an email at editorial@SimplySxy.com!

Makeup Artist & Content Creator Elicia Tate


I am Elicia with and “E”. Please annunciate the “E” or my mom will kill me. Jk Jk. I prefer you just call me “E”. I am from the east coast, and I am a product whore. I love all things makeup. I am trying to inspire all others with a chronic illness like myself. My life did a 360 in 2013 and I had no choice but to make a lane all on my own. I am proud of all I was able to make of this new life, but I have sooooo many more goals to squash!

How did your interest in makeup and beauty all come about?

I have always loved makeup since I can remember. I am pretty sure its part of my artsy side and the passion I have for creativity.

Which accessories should every lady own?

Spanx! You can never go wrong. I always need them in my life.

Do you follow a strict beauty regime?

I wouldn’t say strict. Isn’t it a must for everyone to wash their face with a facial scrub brush daily, followed by some sort of moisturizer (at least)?! 😉

Where can we catch you partying on weekends?

On my couch, snacks and Netflix. Only till about 10pm, early bed for me.

How will you describe your fashion style?

Comfort! I can’t stand anything tight, even yogas! Sweatpants and white tees are life.

Would you rather have the ability to mind read or teleport?

I feel like I kinda already have the ability to mind read Lol, so I would say teleport. I hate leaving my house so being able to teleport quickly anywhere would be so dope.

What do you not get about guys?

Why does it take so long for them to poop.

Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions Elicia. One question before we end, how do you define “sexy”? 

Sexy is a smart ass sense of humor and loads of confidence with no arrogance. Make me laugh and HOOK LINE SINKER!

Follow the beautiful Elicia Tate on:

Instagram: @eliciatate

Twitter: @mrseliciatate

Snapchat: @elicia87tate

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mrseliciatate/

Images courtesy of Elicia Tate

Like to be featured on SimplySxy? Drop us an email at editorial@SimplySxy.com!

Photographer, Videographer & Model Maddy Oxenham


I’m originally from a small town called Little Britain in Ontario Canada, with about 1100 people. So I grew up in the middle of nowhere to say the least. I moved to Toronto when I went away to college, and now I’m living just outside of the city.

How did you get started into modeling?

I’ve actually never been referred to as a model until this interview, so that’s cool to hear! I’m a photographer / videographer so I guess that led me to be in front of the camera – instead of always behind it.

Which is your most memorable photoshoot experience so far?

There was this little Christmas feature I did about 2 years ago with two other girls, I sadly don’t have the photos anymore but that was my first time really doing anything in front of the camera so that’s definitely the most memorable. A little nerve wracking but also extremely fun.

What type of fashion are you into?

Oh.. this is a hard one – honestly depends on whether I’m going to a show or an event – I try to tailor my outfits to the whole feel of whatever is going to be going on. Sometimes if I’m working and shooting a show I have to dress more casual / comfy vs “fashionable”. Pinterest is my BEST friend haha. But I’d say lately my day to day has been a bit grunge / punk chic.

How do you spend your free time?

Travelling and creating content as much as I can! Doesn’t matter if it’s to a different country or a two hour road trip from where I live, I shoot a lot of concerts and music festivals too.

Are you more of a night owl or morning person?

Night owl 1000%. I’m not a functioning person until after 11:00AM.

If you could time travel, what will you like to witness?

My favourite movies growing up were the Pirates of the Caribbean. I remember watching those with my parents about one hundred times – so I think I would have really liked to see some pirates in action smugglin’ some boooooty.

Have you ever had a bad date experience before?

LOL yes I have. I was supposed to go out with this guy, but we couldn’t decide what the plan was right away he said, “Why don’t you meet me at my place first.” So I meet him at his place, then he invites me in while we figure it out. He then hands me a glass of wine. At this time I realized that there wasn’t really going to be a plan made to go anywhere.

He then asked me to help make his bed – and put away his laundry? So I texted my best friend saying that she needs to call me in 5 mins saying that her boyfriend had broken up with her at dinner and she has no way home and to come get her. SO she calls its all good I leave, then we had some friends invite us out – we go out… and who do I see out..

Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions Maddy. One question before we end, how do you define “sexy”? 

Anyone who knows what they want and has the confidence to be themselves. You may not get along with everyone you meet but the best relationships (friends or other) come from being genuine.

Follow the gorgeous Maddy Oxenham on:

Instagram: @maddyoxenham 

Website: https://maddyoxenhamphoto.portfoliobox.net/

Images courtesy of Maddy Oxenham

Like to be featured on SimplySxy? Drop us an email at editorial@SimplySxy.com!


How To Satisfy A Lady During Sex


Sex was originally designed for reproduction, man then realized the impactful pleasures that sex inhibits. I find sex to be an art of passionate expressions.

What Women Want From Men

It’s simple, women generally want a man to pay attention and understand the different variables of pleasing. One must have a level of compromise and understanding as each female is different but it’s a general template to sexual for fulfilment.

Common Mistakes Men Make During Sex

Become a mistake that most men make during sex is dead. They become complacent on their own sexual pleasures meaning you’re too selfish. One cannot be selfish in an attempt to fulfil a situation that has a counterpart, once again, you must have compromise.

My Favorite Sex Positions

My favorite sexual position would be the prone position. This position to be described is when the woman is laying on her stomach flat face down obviously with her ass in the air, you then get to control the different variables of tempo which you can use to impale the proper amount of pleasure without any resistance.

Techniques To Bring Her To Orgasm

It’s really not one special move that you can utilize because once again all women differ but, one thing you do need to realize is that you have to change the pace. You can’t just go fast, you can’t just go slow. Mix the two together, finding the right mix differs from each woman but if you pay attention to her body language and expressions, you would realize which movement causes the greater pleasure.

How Do I Know If I Am Doing It Right?

It’s a simple solution to answering that question. If you are having sex and you’re wondering if you’re doing it right, first and foremost, communication is extremely essential. Don’t be afraid to ask questions. Make statements to your counterpart that will determine if you’re doing a good job. Don’t feel as though you’re doing it wrong if you stop to ask a question. The more you know, the easier you can ensure to present the proper sexual experience.

Jason LuvHello thanks for viewing. I’m Jason Luv, an exclusive contract star for blacked.com and blackedraw.com. I’m known as a sexual specialist due to my continued slot of delivering selfless pleasures. It’s not the size of the boat, it’s the method in which one rows that boat which determines your distance.

Follow Jason Luv on

Website: com/iamjasonluv

Twitter: @iamjasonluv

Instagram: @iamjasonluv

The  Doc Johnson Jason Luv sex toy will be in stores from mid August for purchase worldwide.

Featured image courtesy of Shutterstock

Like to be featured on SimplySxy? Drop us an email at editorial@SimplySxy.com!

Cosplayer & Model Yuuno


Hmm, I was a mega weeb and always attended anime events, hence I was quite familiar with seeing cosplay but not actually cosplaying. So, when my classmate introduced cosplaying to me at 15, I was all for it and thus began my cosplay journey HAHA.

Which is your most favorite cosplay experience you have had?

Probably cosplaying at Hyperplay! Because I get to cosplay my favorite game characters (League of Legends) and able to meet fellow LoL enthusiasts which I was really happy about, since LoL is actually a dying(?) scene in Singapore D:

Do you have any other hobbies?

Playing League of Legends XD, I used to draw a lot and play anime songs on piano but now, not really motivated too.

How much of a foodie are you?

Not really, partially because I’m concerned about my figure so I tend not to eat a lot of carbs. I do love spicy food though.

Can you describe a typical day like for yourself?

Waking up in the early afternoon, either going to school or playing League. As of right now, I’m working part time so I’d go to work, come back at night and league again xD. League takes up half my life.

If you could be a cartoon character for real, who will you be?

Wow this took me a long time to ponder.

Probably Katarina from League of Legends, (not sure if a game character is classified under ‘cartoon character’)
Reason being, I like her badass vibes and her character design! Especially her scar.

She has a cool family as well.

What is the funniest or lamest attempt a guy has tried to know you?

Definitely pick-up lines or puns HAHA, I find them really amusing no matter how cheesy they sound.

Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions Yuuno. One question before we end, how do you define “sexy”? 

I feel that “sexy” comes from within! Doesn’t really matter what’s your body type if you are comfortable in your own skin ~ If you feel or try to show sexy, most of it comes from your expression I guess (apart from dressing sexily). Or that’s at least what I try to show when I do “sexy” shoots!

Follow the gorgeous Yuuno on:

Instagram: www.instagram.com/y.uuno/

Facebook: www.facebook.com/yuuno2/

Images courtesy of Yuuno

Like to be featured on SimplySxy? Drop us an email at editorial@SimplySxy.com!

The Thrill Behind Public Pissing


I tried this about seven years ago actually and my boyfriend was the main reason why I tried all this. When he told me about that genre, I was positively surprised and curious. In the end I liked it.

What I Love About Public Pissing

I’m not sure what the catch is. Maybe I feel bold or more free and careless, like men. They can pee wherever they want, and I was always jealous on that part of their life haha. Try it, maybe you will love it too, but you have no idea.

Memorable Public Pissing Experiences

Huh it’s hard to say as I am very naughty. I’ve done that in dressing rooms on clothes in shoes, on cars, floors in public toilets, trees like dogs hahaha. Sorry if I am not serious that much but this is not politics, sex and sexy games should be fun and relaxing.

How To Not Get Caught

There is always some kind of fear of being caught, maybe that is one of the reasons why it’s such an exciting thing to do. That fear never goes away.

Tips To Try Public Pissing

Just relax and go! Be careful of course but we have one life and there is no room for too much delay, have fun and keep a smile on that face 🙂

Laura Fatalle – I’m 27 years old from Europe, like to travel a lot. My first contact with porn world was on some web cam site but that was too boring for me and take much more time every day. Accidentally I found out for Pornhub and here I am, more then two years doing videos for them. You can all watch for free or buy for simbolic price. Also I do custom videos if someone have money to order it. Private show on Skype is also on the list but I like more to do videos when I have time and when I’m in mood for recording.

Follow Laura Fatalle on

Website: https://www.pornhub.com/users/laurafatalle

Twitter: https://twitter.com/LauraFatalle

Featured image courtesy of Shutterstock, article images courtesy of Laura Fatalle

Like to be featured on SimplySxy? Drop us an email at editorial@SimplySxy.com!

Musician & Singer Chiara Lucotti


I believe that my biggest achievement is on the way, because as an artist there’s always that thirst of improving and achieving something bigger every day. But so far I can say that my career has given me some amazing opportunities such as working along side big musicians as Taylor Swift, James Blunt, Craig David ft Bastille, Fergie, Zayn Malik and big movies such as Justice League, Kingsman II and Judwaa 2 (on the Bollywood Market) but my fondest memory is working with David Beckham in his latest Haig Club commercial, which was something like a 16 hours day of shooting but David’s kindness and everyone’s great energy made the day super special.

How will you describe a typical day like for yourself?

I have a very hectic life, always on the move between shoots, castings and my music project. I like keeping myself as busy as possible as I believe that the key to success is achieving something new every day, even if it’s something small, it is important to keep the focus on the final prize. On my days off I like reading, especially self motivation books and of course I do enjoy hanging out with friends for an apertolo spritz or two.

Which is the best compliment you have received?

As we all know, my career path is not the easiest one to follow. As much as my parents always supported me, my dad is a self thought musician himself so he gets me, at first they weren’t too sure about this choice of mine, they saw music and acting as a hobby.

Although I’ve always known that this was the right path for me, so against any negative suggestions I moved to London, I got my degree in music and I started working as an actress. When my parents, especially my mom which was the toughest one with me, saw what I achieved in such a short time they apologised and told me how good I was and how proud they were of me. My parents gave me so much while growing up, and family is indeed everything to me, so hearing that I was someone they were proud of, it made all the hustle worth it.

Have you been in an embarrassing moment that is funny now?

I once did a commercial with Thierry Henry a couple of years back. In the scene we were sitting, one close to the other, cheering for a goal. We started talking between takes, and bear in mind that I was clueless on who he was. I was praising him saying how this commercial was a great opportunity for his career and how it would have looked good in his cv. He genuinely went along my conversation, agreeing with all my statements.

It’s only when we hugged goodbye that the other actors came up to me, explaining me who he was, they couldn’t believe what they just witnessed. I proper felt super embarrassed about the whole thing but eventually we all had a laugh about it. It’s a nice memory to think about now and it always puts a smile on my face when I think about it.

Is there something you’ve always wanted to do or learn but haven’t had the time?

I’m left-handed, but for some reason I’ve always wanted to learn how to write with my right hand. I’m sure I’ll never master this skill as it doesn’t really have a useful meaning, but it always intrigued me so much. Other than that, I’ve always wanted to learn how to play drums. Unfortunately so far I can only play two songs, but one day I’ll definitely take some lessons and rock the instrument!

Which flavor best describes you?

Interesting question. It’s hard to choose one as it would probably go with my daily mood but if I had to choose one I’d say cinnamon. It has by itself a very hot and pungent taste but it enhances both sweet and savory fares. It has a very distinctive taste that you can recognise straight away and you either love it or hate it. It has it all.

What is the funniest or lamest attempt a guy has tried to know you?

In a random conversation during a night out I was explaining some friends where my house roughly was. This guy, friend of a friend, apparently listened carefully to the conversation and decided to show up at my doorstep at half past two in the morning. When I confusingly understood who he was, he explained that he went wondering in the nearby houses till he found my surname on my doorbell and was wondering if I was up for a late night drink. . If that’s not commitment, I can’t imagine what is. Obviously I did not open the door and it all ended there, but it did leave me a bit perplexed.

Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions Chiara. One question before we end, how do you define “sexy”? 

Respect is sexy, kindness is sexy, humor is sexy, people giving you their time is sexy. Most of the things I find sexy are rarely related with the look. One thing I find irresistible is a sexy voice, if you have a sexy voice you’ll totally have my attention.

Follow the talented Chiara Lucotti on:

Instagram: @chiaralucotti

My main upcoming project is going to be my EP which I’m about to record in Italy. We’re currently writing the songs and should be ready to start recording soon.

Images courtesy of Chiara Lucotti

Like to be featured on SimplySxy? Drop us an email at editorial@SimplySxy.com!

What It Takes To Squirt From Masturbation & Sex


My personal thoughts toward sex are it’s amazing. I love fucking. I’m very open and willing to explore all aspects of it. Doing something new is exciting. If agreed upon by consenting adults, I’m open to it all.

Does Squirting Come Easy For You?

Squirting does come easy for me. Once I get turned on, I start squirting. I was in my early 40s when I first started it. I believe I became comfortable with my sexuality and totally free to let go and be my true self.

How It Feels Like To Squirt

What does it feel like? Like a total body orgasm. It’s mind blowing. I can’t control my body when it happens. If you make my pussy feel good, it’s gonna squirt and I can’t control it or make it not happen.

Techniques To Squirt From Masturbation

I’m not sure there are any techniques or tips I can give. I think it’s something that comes natural once you’ve opened up your mind and body and totally let go.

When I play with my clit, squirting is soon to follow.

What Guys Should Know To Get You To Squirt

Licking my pussy really gets me revved up. And as I mentioned before, playing with my clit will make me squirt in my legs shake uncontrollably. And of course, fingering my pussy is a great way hard and fast. But honestly, the best way is a combination of everything. I even squirt while fucking if totally turned on.

Kay – I am a sexy MILF that absolutely loves sex. I could be the sexy woman next door you fantasize about while watching outside your window. Am an adult entertainer and I love my job.

Follow Kay on

Twitter: https://twitter.com/kaycuntry

Images courtesy of Shutterstock

Like to be featured on SimplySxy? Drop us an email at editorial@SimplySxy.com!

Fitness Guru Morgane


My style is in keeping with my character: multi-faceted. I am lucky to work without contact with customers; I can come in chic “fitgirl” as true fashionista. The most important for me: a nice pair of sneakers, a nice jacket and a luxury handbag, it can change a whole style. I like to follow trends and have fun every month, even if it is most often compulsive!

Where do you love to shop from?

For fitness clothes, I am obviously on Gymshark every month. I find that this brand makes fitness clothes accessible to all body types, enhances them and is always ahead of the cuts or the colors of the models. MuscleNation is a crazy brand if you want to showcase your booty too! On the street side, Bershka, Zara and Michael Kors are my favorite brands. Buying a brand is fun but the important thing in the look is not the brand, but with what we wear it!

Do you have any other hobbies or interests?

Fitness, fitness, fitness! I did 17 years of dance (classical, oriental, contemporary, dancehall) to pass the opposite the crossfit for 3 years. I did the last 2 years of study to be a coach after a degree in journalism, where I was able to practice fitness, bodybuilding and group lessons from 4 to 6 hours per day.

Today, I only practice body to win competitions and for my pleasure. You can also be surprised to hear me sing from my living room, and shopping counts as a hobby, between 1 to 2 times a week (excluding internet orders). Being on the lookout for trends, fine tuning my Instagram account, looking for inspiration on YouTube, is a good part of my nights with my man who shares the same passions as me. I am very lucky at this level.

Which is the best compliment you have received?

That I am malignant. My father is telling me again, my relatives and even my colleagues. I’m always one step ahead of the situation, I know people very well and I always manage to get by. No matter what the hard knocks, I always find something that will bring me to my advantage. My father always says to me, be the fox, not a raven to do the beauty.

Is there a beauty and fitness regime you follow strictly?

I am currently preparing for competition. I spread my carbohydrates lipids and proteins avoiding all sugar and bad fats. When you’re addicted to chocolate it’s a bit hard at first but thanks to work, the sport and my lover, I’m already busy with other things so I do not think about it all the time. I allow myself a small gap in the week during this month but after … nothing!

The goal is to be as dry as possible while maintaining enough muscle mass and stay NATURAL. I am absolutely against and denounce any doping practice. that’s why I turned to the Natural Fitness Ratios in Paris on October 20, 2018. The rest of the year, I pay attention, but I allow myself my pleasures!

If you could time travel, what will you like to witness?

I would like to travel far, to truly exotic destinations. I have been to Dubai many times and plan to return. Iceland, Japan and Vietnam or Bali are in my list of dream destinations, both in terms of culture and landscapes. I have traveled a lot and I intend to continue this momentum, to two. We understand so much about the world through travels, people we meet. We also learn to know each other differently. Our mind is peaceful, open and curious. We all have nuggets next to us, you just have to be curious to see where to go.

What do you not get about guys?

I was very unlucky in love. I had the gift of falling for lying men and manipulators who never knew what they wanted. Give one way, I know! I cannot stand dishonest men, who lack ambition (same nightclub every weekend and game console the week), selfish and careless. I can say that I found the perfect man today. He shares my passions, we laugh like friends, he supports me and loves to move as much as me … and my ex doesn’t do weights in front of his abs!

Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions Morgane. One question before we end, how do you define “sexy”? 

That sexy is not just wearing tight clothes or showing off. It is a look discreetly underlined by makeup, a haunting fragrance, long hair. I find myself very sexy in the room being all sweaty! Everything depends on your attitude. That sexy is self-confidence. Without that, you will never feel beautiful, and neither will others. Take your difference, it’s your strength!

Follow the beautiful Morgane on:

Instagram: @morgane_cspry

Images courtesy of Morgane

Like to be featured on SimplySxy? Drop us an email at editorial@SimplySxy.com!

What To Know About Facesitting & Scat Play


I believe everyone has a vice. Kink and fetishes are a way for people to escape the dwells of reality.

What Is Facesitting?

Facesitting is a practice also known as queening. That a person uses another person’s face as a seat cushion. It’s technical term is “sexual practice”, however, and I think it’s more of a smother and breath play in the BDSM world. I really enjoy being in control of another’s breath. When they breathe, when I will allow them to gasp for air, before smothering them again. I love that.

Reasons Subs Enjoy Facesitting

Some say it’s to experience”submission”. Others can’t resist being dominated and smothered under my 52 inch ass.

Misconceptions About Facesitting

That it’s supposed to mean receiving oral sex. Or to be a “sexual” act. Most people don’t use this for sex. It’s more them relinquishing power, not wanting sex.

Incorporating Scat Play Into Facesitting

Well scat play typically involves my Slaveboy becoming my real life toilet. Some consume, some just want it on them. I usually face sit them before scat. That way I can relax myself and maybe pass gas on them. What a treat for them…hehe.

Risks Involved In Scat Play

Well obviously it’s something that shouldn’t be consumed. But the ones that do probably could get abdominal issues. But so far none of my Toilet Slaves have issues. And come back to do multiple sessions.

How To Ensure Safe Facesitting and Scatplay

I typically don’t have any exchange of bodily fluids in my basic session. But my higher tribute sessions, l get checked on a regular basis. And usually will require a recent test from someone that is wanting the “clip experience” session.

Goddess Naughtia – Queen of Facesitting and Goddess of Scat Professional Dominatrix.

Follow Goddess Naughtia on

Twitter: https://twitter.com/goddessnaughtia

Facebook: Goddessaughtia

Website: www.domgoddessnaughtia.com 

I’m heading out on my East Coast tour so if anyone wants to get a live session email me goddessnaughtia@gmail.com My website to purchase my latest content is domgoddessnaughtia.com

Contact me for scat clips.

Featured image courtesy of Shutterstock, article images courtesy of Goddess Naughtia

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Actress & Cosplayer Krissy Victory


I enjoy cosplay because I like creating different characters and being someone new. I like to become those characters as it makes me happy along with seeing it brighten other peoples days. It is a beautiful experience.

Which is your most memorable cosplay experience so far?

My most memorable cosplay experience was when I cosplayed D. Va at Acen at 2016. Everyone was shocked and amazed because the character wasn’t out yet. Everyone wanted a photo and was so impressed  by it and happy. Everywhere I would stop at I would create a sea of crowds taking photos and being shocked, I also got a free keychain of D. Va because I was the only D. Va there. Such an unforgettable experience.

Can you describe a typical day like for yourself?

A typical day for me is laying around watching YouTube videos or working and posting photos of past shoots on my social media pages.

Most of this consists of YouTube. I spend way too many hours watching vlogs and gamer channels.

Do you have any other hobbies?

Another hobby of mine is gaming and working on more of my voice acting and acting skills. I went to school for acting so it means a lot to me to perfect my craft. I also love to dance and do choreography and showcase them occasionally, it’s a fun workout!

What is the sexiest item in your wardrobe?

It would either be my silver microbikini outfit I wore in a shoot with a crown or my black lingerie outfit I wore for a valentines shoot. Another shoot was a red bikini with shiny thigh highs and those are my top sexiest outfits.

I’m proud of them!!

If you could have a super power, what will it be?

If I could have any super power, it would be Dr. Manhattans from Watchmen. He can do just about anything and it’s AMAZING! Him or Phoenix Powers are pretty incredible.

What is the funniest or lamest attempt a guy has tried to know you?

This past year in Vegas while I was waiting for my Uber, this guy just walks passed me and started rapping terribly. He didn’t rhyme or anything, it was just god awful and wouldn’t leave unless I gave him a number. I gave him one off the top of my head and then dipped. What a terrible way to pick someone up.

Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions Krissy. One question before we end, how do you define “sexy”? 

Adefinition of sexy would be self confidence and loving yourself. I think that creates an ideal of what is sexy.

With confidence and loving yourself you create your image of what is sexy and beautiful.

Follow the amazing Krissy Victory on:

Website: Krissyvictory.com

Twitter: Twitter.com/Krissyvictory

Twitch: Twitch.com/Krissyvictory

Patreon: Patreon.com/Krissyvictory

Images courtesy of Krissy Victory

Like to be featured on SimplySxy? Drop us an email at editorial@SimplySxy.com!

Canadian Published Model Kristina Jovanovic


I’m from a small town in between Toronto and Niagara Falls in Canada. I am an internationally published model, having been published in Playboy and a few other exciting magazines. I have two dogs that I spend my time with when I’m not travelling the world shooting. My passion is travelling and exploring new landscapes – new experiences are my jam!

Photo: @Burartist

Where did your inspiration to become a model come from?

I always wanted to be a model, as a child I would cut out modelling ads from the newspaper and put them on the fridge. I didn’t start modelling until I was 19 years old when a photographer friend had a model bail on him for a clothing brand shoot. He called me as a back-up and I fell in love with it. I’ve always loved being in front of the camera!

What is your proudest achievement so far?

I’ve been in Playboy twice and so far those are my absolute favourites.

Which is your most unforgettable modeling experience?

I think the most unforgettable modeling experience for me was being on the main stage at a hair show and having my hair cut live by Sam Villa of Redken. He was so humble and obviously made my hair look even more amazing. I almost fell off the stage because I slipped on my hair – really funny to look back on but terrifying when it happens.

Photo: @anitajeaninephotos

Do you have any guilty indulgences when it comes to food?

Well, I don’t eat meat but I am a sucker for a good pizza or tacos. Back when I still ate meat, I used to love fried chicken.

What is a typical day like for you?

There are no two days the same for me. I’m always working with different people on different concepts in different locations! The only things consistent in my life are yoga every day and eating!

If you could travel to any part of the world for an experience, where will it be?

I’d really love to see Greece, Italy and France. I’m going to Paris this year, so that’s one place that will be checked off my bucket list!

What is the funniest or lamest attempt a guy has tried to know you?

*slides into my DMS* “Kristina would you like some designer?”

Photo: @jsrphotos

Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions Kristina. One question before we end, how do you define “sexy”? 

I believe that anyone can be sexy if they are confident! Confidence is key!! Also, don’t smell bad because that’s not sexy.

Follow the gorgeous Kristina Jovanovic on:

Instagram: @unicornkristina

Images courtesy of @andrewidjaja

Like to be featured on SimplySxy? Drop us an email at editorial@SimplySxy.com!

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