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How To Have A Great Date Night


A great date to me is one that is full of smiles, laughter and good chemistry. A little creativity can also go a long way when it comes to planning a memorable date. Some of my best dates were when the guy went the extra mile to plan an outing based on our shared interests.

Preparation For A Date Night

To prepare for a date night out, I like to take my time to primp and prime to make sure I look and feel my absolute best. A long shower followed by oils and perfume, hair and makeup and picking out the perfect outfit to accentuate my curves.

How Important Are First Impressions?

First impressions do matter! You only get one chance to make a great one.  My only expectation is that my date is a gentleman. I’m a little traditional in the sense that I believe a man should always open the door, pull out chairs, etc. It’s romantic and makes me feel taken care of 🙂

Biggest Turn Offs

One of my biggest turnoffs on a date is when someone doesn’t talk much. It’s hard to get to know someone who doesn’t tell you much about themselves.  I’m naturally extroverted and can talk to anyone about anything so it’s no reason to be shy with me. I’m an open book who will encourage you to open yours as well.

Signs I’m Having A Good Time

To show that I’m having a good time, I smile a lot and will initiate some physical contact by touching my date’s arm or knee. Physical contact says that I’m comfortable being in your personal space.

Sierra Sinclair – Hi, I’m Sierra Sinclair! I’m a VIP Companion based in Dallas, Texas and available Worldwide. I am a friendly, passionate and sensual woman who possesses a mixture of incredible sex appeal combined with a charismatic personality. I love being a companion because I get to meet amazing people, travel and plan “great date nights” all the time 🙂

Follow Sierra Sinclair on

Website: SierraSinclair.com

Twitter: twitter.com/SweetSierraLive

Featured image courtesy of Pexels, article images courtesy of Sierra Sinclair

Like to be featured on SimplySxy? Drop us an email at editorial@SimplySxy.com!

Texan Pin-Up Model Alli Peach


I was born in Grand Prairie, TX. I’ve lived in several towns around Texas including Frisco, Decatur and Mansfield. I was always the new kid and moved a lot.

I lived near a Army Base and attended middle school in the 7th grade in Vicenza, Italy, while my step father was active in the military. That was a really different experience for me.

How did your interest in pinup modeling start?

Well, my ultimate goal is to be a motion picture actress. My dream started with that. I was so uncomfortable and horrified of a camera, I thought “I should try modeling to get more comfortable in front of the camera”.

Every photographer I worked with told me I had a “Pin Up smile” and doing Pin up has always been my favorite style (on and off camera) and it comes most natural to me…So I stuck with that and embraced the pin up culture!

What do you enjoy most about pinup modeling?

The history of Pin up, the Pin up culture, the iconic red lip stick I get to wear. I love it all. Anything and everything vintage – no matter the era.

Do you have any other hobbies or interests?

When I am not being “Alli Peach” (not my real name), I am completely family oriented. I am a child of divorce and my family is very spread out.

I don’t have many close friends that live near me and I don’t like to go out. I have always been very low key. I love to relax and do nothing. Just seeing my family, sleeping and anything Pin Up, is what is love to do.

What is a typical day like for you?

A typical day, I’ll wake up at 10am, brush my teeth, get my coffee going, call/FaceTime my family. Relax…

On photoshoot days, everything is the same except I put on my makeup and hair and get mentally ready for a day of shooting. It’s always exciting.

Have you been in an embarrassing situation that is funny now?

I have way too many to name here. The most recent one was to a trip to McDonalds at 1am. I was very broke and just wanted some cheap food that I could pay with change. I gathered up two handfuls of change to give the drive thru girl. Knowing that I had given her 3 Chuck E Cheese coins in the mix, I really really was hoping she wouldn’t notice.

She counted the change and said, “this is a Chuck E Cheese coin, I can’t take this.” I tried to tell her I was broke, as people were honking behind me. It’s safe to say, it didn’t work. I went hungry but had to laugh at myself thinking that it would work. Desperate times, man!

If you could have a super power, what will it be?

I would have X Ray vision. Why? Obvious reasons. 😉

Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions Alli. One question before we end, how do you define “sexy”? 

Sexiness comes from the inside first. Then it expands to the outside by mannerisms, personal qualities and grace. You can see “sexy” people but I think it’s the way that people are – It’s a state of being that you can FEEL and see.

Follow the gorgeous Alli Peach on:

Instagram: @allipeachhamilton

Facebook: @allipeachhamilton 

Website/Store: www.allipeach.wixsite.com/mysite

Patreon: www.patreon.com/allipeach

Email: allipeachhamilton@yahoo.com

Images courtesy of Alli Peach

Like to be featured on SimplySxy? Drop us an email at editorial@SimplySxy.com!

Malaysian Fashion Chic Evelyn Tay


Hey! I’m Evelyn, I’m from Cheras, a beautiful town in Malaysia.

What is the best compliment you have received?

“You’re beautiful in the eyes of the Lord”

Where do you usually love to shop from?

I do my shopping usually from online stores; to save more time. If I were to do my shopping in stores, I would go to places like H&M, Forever 21, stores near or in Pavilion KL.

How is a typical day like for you?

I spend my weekdays usually in the University attending classes. During the weekends I would love to wake up for a morning jog if I am able to rise and shine early, HAHA. Moving on, I will head out for a movie or brunch with my friends and spend the night chilling at home with my family.

Have you been in an embarrassing situation that is funny now?

Hmm, being overdressed to an event and saw someone I admire there too?

Are you more of a morning person or night owl?

I am a 70% night owl, 30% morning person I guess? I can sleep really late, but I can wake up really early for important events or occasions if needed.

If you could have a superpower, which will it be?

Read people’s minds, knowing their intentions hehe.

What is the funniest or lamest attempt a guy has tried to know you?

While shopping in the usual shopping malls I go to, a guy just stopped me while I was passing by, and told me a lame pick up line that I couldn’t get because it wasn’t the usual language I spoke in HAHA. We then had a small talk (he was a Singaporean) and he was asking me about places to go. He ended up asking for my number, but? Hmmm.

Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions Evelyn. One question before we end, how do you define “sexy”? 

Sexy is self-respect how you carry yourself, it plays a big part in your attractiveness.

Follow the beautiful Evelyn Tay on:

Instagram: @evelyntayjiuyee

Images courtesy of Evelyn Tay

Like to be featured on SimplySxy? Drop us an email at editorial@SimplySxy.com!

What One Should Know Before Buying Used Panties


I love wearing sexy panties, and selling used panties has been a way for me to justify having so many different pairs. When I first got into the world of panty fetishes, I pretty much went in blind. Having been in the selling business for a couple years now there is so much I now know about the fetish industry, and have learned to embrace and appreciate.

How I Started Selling My Panties

I started selling in 2016 when I was in between jobs. It started as a way to make some money and kill time. When I started I actually enjoyed getting into the panty business, it kind of opened my eyes to all the different fetishes that I hadn’t heard of before. After I got a full-time day job, I knew that I still wanted to sell my panties for the fun of it, so I continued on.

Reasons Men Love My Used Panties

Each person has their own reasons. Some of the reasons my customers have told me are:

  • They like to collect women’s panties
  • They want to wear them
  • Smell them
  • Taste them
  • Want the overall experience of the woman (they typically buy them with a photo set, video, perfume spritz etc…)

Tips For New Potential Panty Buyers

Be realistic and respectful. I’m happy to answer questions and give recommendations to new or first-time buyers. I want customers to be able to be open and comfortable while talking to me. A lot of clients are experienced in panty buying and know how it works and what to expect. Newer clients don’t always know how it works, so I would recommend doing some research and experimenting to see what they like most.

What Makes My Panties Special

What makes my panties special is my quality of service. While getting my panties dirty for other people is fun, I do treat panty selling like a business. I am courteous and professional to my clients and respect their privacy. I know that I am here to provide a service, and will do my best to please them.

Common Requests From Panty Buyers

The most common ones are requests to see my face or videos. I don’t show my face so that I can stay anonymous and keep my personal life completely separate. I used to do videos but no longer offer them because they are time consuming and I have to be careful about hiding my face. However I do offer photo sets and nudes which are incredibly popular.

Kimmi Good – I enjoy selling my dirty to people who will enjoy them. Email to purchase: kimmigood@protonmail.com

Follow Kimmi Good on

Website: https://www.pantytrust.com/Kimmi-Good

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Kimmis_Panties

Email: kimmigood@protonmail.com 

Images courtesy of Kimmi Good

Like to be featured on SimplySxy? Drop us an email at editorial@SimplySxy.com!

Alternative Model Amanda Kee From Dallas


I would say my proudest achievement so far would be graduating college and moving across the globe to London. It was a difficult few years working for it and many times I failed and didn’t think that I would be able to do it. I am proud to say I did though. I am lucky to have the opportunities and support that I have in my life.

Photo: Remedy Images ( IG @remedy_images)
Gloves: Vex Clothing (IG @vexclothing)

How is a typical day like for you?

Honestly, not super exciting! I wake up and work, whether it be from home or to a shoot on location, come home and work out and make dinner, then lounge around until it’s time to sleep. I try to save the crazy adventure days for weekends only!

Do you have any other hobbies or interests?

I like to paint and draw. I used to do it a lot more than I do now, but every once and a while, it comes back to me.

Photo: Remedy Images ( IG @remedy_images)
Gloves: Vex Clothing (IG @vexclothing)

Is there any food or drink you don’t take?

I hate mashed potatoes haha. I just can’t stand the texture of them! And as far as drinks go, most sodas, energy drinks and Jager grosses me out!

If you could learn anything in this world, what will it be?

More languages. I am so envious of people who are bilingual. I wish I learned another one when I was younger and more capable of picking it up!

Photo: @adamm_photography (IG)

Which flavor best describes you?

Strawberry! Probably because I tend to wear a lot of pink 😉

What do you not get about guys?

Why they think sending a dick pic to a random girl is ever going to be successful ever. haha

Photo: Jeff Weadock (IG @JeffCW)
Dress: William Wilde Latex (IG @mrwilliamwilde)

Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions Amanda. One question before we end, how do you define “sexy”? 

More of a state of mind. Sexy can be whatever you want it to be. What is sexy to me is different to others. I think it’s what makes you feel the most empowered and confident in the end.

Follow the pretty Amanda Kee on:

Instagram: @amandakee_

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/amandalkee/

Featured image courtesy of Jeff Weadock (IG @JeffCW) and dress by William Wilde Latex (IG @mrwilliamwilde)

Like to be featured on SimplySxy? Drop us an email at editorial@SimplySxy.com!

Cosplayer & Fitness Enthusiast Laney Feni


Hi! I’m from Washington DC, working in an office from 9-5 like most people around here. I had to add some meaning and spice to my life so I started volunteering at children’s hospitals dressed as supergirl. This led to my now full time hobby of cosplaying, gaming, fitness, and nerding out.

Cosplaying has also led to other opportunities like social media influencing. I spend my free time at conventions, metal shows, the gym, comic book stores, and children’s hospitals.

What is your fashion style like?

I realized the other day that I’m definitely “sporty spice”. I have few “normal” clothes outside of cosplay and trendy gym brand clothes.  If I’m not at my office job or not in cosplay, I’m definitely going to be in Lululemon leggings and some kind of sporty crop top with converse.

IF I just so happen to go out, I will most definitely have on all black; black jeans, black crop top, black leather jacket, heels. I don’t wear many colors. So… rocker chic/sporty but still girly..?

Which accessories are a must in your wardrobe?

Jeffrey Campbell booties, black leather jacket, black crop tops, red lipstick. Who am I … Sandy from the end of Grease?!

Do you have any favorite food you can’t live without?

Avocados, rice, cheese, hummus. I’ve been a vegetarian most of my life, so veggies!

How is a typical day like for you?

Wake up, walk my dog, feed my dog, drink coffee, do my hair/makeup, go to work, gym for two hours, go home, walk my dog, feed my dog, shower, dinner, call my mom, bed.

What is your beauty regime to looking so fabulous?

People make fun of me because it takes me longer to get ready at night than it does to get ready for the day. I use a lot of serums and moisturizers, a lot of hair masks and expensive shampoos/ conditioners. As far as getting ready in the morning, I just curl my hair with a big curling iron and wear minimal makeup. I’m not a big makeup person.

If you could have a super power, what will it be?

This is a hard question.. I spend most of my life in traffic.. so maybe teleportation? Or flying? Also mind reading, superhuman strength, and invisibility. That was more than one.. most superheroes have more than one power right? I know.. the super power to have infinite super powers. Then I would add all of those mentioned above 🙂

What do you not get about guys?

I get EVERYTHING about guys. I’m pretty sure I was a man in a previous life. They are so simple :p. Honestly though, I know when a guy is going to check out a girl in front of me.. before they check her out, then I watch the check out happen. It’s pretty funny.

It’s the females that I don’t UNDERSTAND AT ALL. Guys typically tell you what they’re thinking and if something you are doing is bothering them. Females like to hold it in, talk crap about you with their friends, and then explode one day. I usually have everything in common with men and nothing in common with females. I can sense how men are feeling and read them but I can NEVER read females.

Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions Laney. One question before we end, how do you define “sexy”? 

I think sexy is being confident and just being yourself, owning who you are.

Follow the gorgeous Laney Feni on:

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/laneyfeni/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LaneyFeni/

Images courtesy of Laney Feni

Like to be featured on SimplySxy? Drop us an email at editorial@SimplySxy.com!

The BDSM Scene & Being A Mistress In Tokyo


Kink is a huge pillar in my life. I’ve worked in and around the kink community prior to becoming a pro-domme. I still find it fascinating and ever fluctuating, evolving, morphing, even while I work in the midst of it. I think that is what attracts me to the so-called “alternative lifestyle”; there isn’t a “correct” or “incorrect” way of doing things (outside of protocol such as consent and safety, of course).

You can become who you want to be, who you design to be. Not only can you make your own fantasy come true, but you can realize that of others while doing so.

Popularity Of Kink In Tokyo

I could say that the kink community is fairly large in Tokyo. The fact that there are a good number of open spaces for people to explore their kink helps. BDSM is becoming more acceptable in mainstream and pop culture, but I don’t think it’s fair to say that society is open or accepting about it.

People may joke around and say that they’re “sadistic” or “masochistic”, but they’re only aware of the surface level of what goes into BDSM. Generally speaking, it’s also not acceptable to talk about BDSM in a public, vanilla setting either.

Ways To Enjoy The Kink Scene In Tokyo

There are two ways to enjoy fetish/kink/BDSM when you are in Tokyo. You could go to a fetish-themed event (which happens quite regularly in Tokyo). Another way is to pay a visit to a “SM” or “Fetish” bar.

These are safe spaces where you can either sit back and enjoy your drink, or participate in some light play. Most SM bars have suspension points, toys (such as floggers, whips, rope, etc.), and costumes. However, you will not be able to fully undress, and there are different policies depending on each bar as to how far you can go with your “play.”

Uniqueness Of Kink In Japan

I am often told that the sheer number of bars that are completely dedicated to BDSM is something that is unique to Japan. For a country that’s so small, we do have an impressive number of spaces and events that are purely directed towards the BDSM community.

How I Got Started As A Mistress

I returned to Japan three years ago after graduating from grad school in Los Angeles. I quickly got immersed in the scene here and started working part-time as a translator for private kinbaku (rope bondage) lessons. I met a Mistress (who I see as my mentor today), and quickly dreamt of becoming a Mistress full-time, but there were circumstances that weren’t allowing me for doing so.

About a year later, I began working at a SM bar, where I met another Mistress who worked for a SM Club (which is something like an agency for Mistresses). I got connected to the owner of the club (who is a Mistress herself, and someone I admire) and thanks to her, I had a face-to-face talk with the owner. I worked for the club a little over an year before deciding to go independent.

Expectations For Subs

Trust, honesty, and respect.

Favorite Kink Sessions Of Mine

I’ve recently become a huge fan of JOI after signing up with NiteFlirt. I didn’t anticipate the amount of control I can have over a sub with just my voice; I found that exhilarating. When conducting in-person sessions, I love the idea of giving subs a task (taking lashes from a single tail, etc.) and giving them a treat if they manage to meet their goals.

I’m also a huge fan of sissification; some of my favorite subs are sissies that want to be transformed by me, and go on “dates” together. I’m keen on incorporating different aspects of BDSM as well as forms of play into my sessions.

Mistress Kinako – I am born and raised in Japan, BDSM has been a large part of my life for nearly a decade. I am a true sadist and female supremacist at heart, and pride my practice in domination and torture. I describe my style of domination as “East-meets-West”; I blend nuances of Japanese “SM” with Western style discipline and torture.

Follow Mistress Kinako on

Website: mistresskinako.com

Twitter: @MistressKinako

Instagram: @MistressKinako

NiteFlirt: @MistressKinako

Blog: http://blog.livedoor.jp/mistresskinako/

Images courtesy of Mistress Kinako

Like to be featured on SimplySxy? Drop us an email at editorial@SimplySxy.com!

International Playmate & Model Andrea Prince


There’s so many perks to modeling! I would say my favorite perk is all the sexy lingerie I get to take home and keep after shooting in it.

Is there a food or drink you can’t live without?

I seriously can’t live without coffee. I need a entire pot of it in the morning, along with about 700 packets of Splenda, and way too much fat free hazelnut coffee creamer.

What hobbies or interests do you have?

I absolutely love animals, especially handicapped ones! I spend a lot of my free time rescuing and adopting the animals nobody else wants. I also really enjoy hookah, reading the news, watching horror movies, and designing and sewing clothing.

On a scale of 1-10, how much of a party animal are you?

I’m definitely far from a party animal. I would say a -10 if I could.  I am more of a party pooper than anything. Haha! I seldom drink, go out to parties, and I never do drugs. A wild night for me would be getting a slice of pizza 😂

Which is a naughty thing you have done and not regretted?

I would have to say the naughty thing that I have done and not regretted is posing for Playboy. I am so proud that I am going on my 15th time being published by the magazine internationally and I have gotten so much from it…. amazing friendships with many of the other playmates, incredible experiences, and a whole new lifestyle.

Are you more of a lingerie or bikini babe?

I think that I’ve probably been photographed more in the nude then in lingerie or bikini! But if I had to choose, probably lingerie. I’m not a big fan of wearing panties, and you don’t see too many crotchless bikinis out there.

What is the funniest or lamest attempt a guy has tried to know you?

There are so many, it’s really difficult to single one time out. Possibly one of the most interesting was a guy driving slowly, trying to talk to me while I was walking on the sidewalk. He was not paying attention and rear ended the car in front of him. whoops!

Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions Andrea. One question before we end, how do you define “sexy”? 

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to answer your questions! It’s been my pleasure! My definition of sexy is a gentleman. If he has a beard or moustache and doesn’t manscape, bonus points!

Follow the gorgeous Andrea Prince on:

Instagram: @MissAndreaPrince

Twitter: @BaeAndreaPrince

Facebook: @PlaymateAndreaPrince

Images courtesy of Andrea Prince

Like to be featured on SimplySxy? Drop us an email at editorial@SimplySxy.com!

Be Inspired By Influencer Hana Brannigan


I’m born and raised in Orange County, California (about 45 minutes away form LA since everyone always asks! haha). I’m 22 years old, just graduated from UC Davis with a communication degree, and currently working full-time as the marketing coordinator for a men’s ecommerce site, Ties.com and its affiliated domains.

I also have my side hobby, which is my own Instagram account (@thishanabee) where I share my struggle with mental health/eating disorder in hopes of helping others who struggle with the same thing that I have.

Hm, just a couple other tidbit facts: I absolutely love Disney (living so close to Disneyland is such a dream… I’ve even auditioned to be a character a few times), I was a synchronized swimmer for about 6 or 7 years, and I’m half Irish and half Vietnamese!

What hobbies and interests do you have?

I love swimming. My family always jokes I’m a mermaid — it’s not a stretch from the truth at all, though.

I also love reading and writing (I have too many journals to count), although I stopped both for a bit while I was in college, but I’m slowly getting back into it. I also recently started listening to podcasts, and I’m a little obsessed with them.

And, I love going to festivals and if I have to travel for them, all the better since I also love to travel.

Are there any quotes or mottos you like to use in life?

Everything happens for a reason.

It’s a bit cliche, but I really do think everything that’s happened in my life has shaped me for who I am today. Of course, I could have had completely different experiences and become a different person than I am right now, but I couldn’t have felt more blessed for everything that I’ve been through in my life. And the fact I get to use my platform to help those around me/make a positive impact on the world is a dream come true for me.

How is a typical day like for you?

I wake up, go to work, go to the gym, and then when I get home I usually work on my own Instagram, watch a show with my mom, read/write… clean… um, be a couch potato… drink wine maybe. My routine isn’t that interesting.

Of course, I’m listening to podcasts in between all this.  I told you I’m kind of obsessed.

Occasionally I’ll go on a photoshoot or event to promote on my social media channels! I know, it’s a very millennial thing to say, but I feel very lucky to have these opportunities and I try to use these events as a way to benefit my audience somehow!

Is there any food you are dying to try but have yet to do so?

YES! Salt and Straw. I’ve heard that they have the best ice cream and ice cream will never be the same.

I also really want to go to Thailand to try their street food. And also their eggs. Yes, eggs. I’ve just heard their eggs are amazing and soft and the perfect shade of yellow.

What is your beauty and fitness regime like?

I try to work out about 5 times a week! I love weight lifting and love the changes I see in my body. It’s amazing to feel strong and healthy after feeling exhausted and weak when I was in the deepest times of my eating disorder. If I don’t make it in for the 5 days though, I don’t stress about it!

Beauty-wise, I always wash my face in the morning and night. I have to use Cetaphil at night and then something with the .5% benzoyl peroxide because I have sensitive skin. And then for foundation, the only thing that hasn’t made me break out is It Cosmetics CC cream. I’ve tried some ones from Target that beauty bloggers recommended, but I always break out!

Other than those 3 products, I know NOTHING about makeup. When I run out of eyeliner or mascara, I stand in the makeup aisle for probably 15 minutes trying to differentiate between all the brands, haha.

If you could time travel, where will you go?

Oh gosh. Hm. I always prefer going back in time because I would just love to see the fashion and how different society is now from another time period. Doesn’t really matter when. I’d love to see how it was living in the Renaissance age, Victorian age, the 20s, 50s, 70s, 80s, 90s…

I know maybe it isn’t the ideal living situation, but aren’t you just a little curious to see first hand how it was living during those times too? Maybe I’m just too curious though.

What is a funny or lame attempt a guy has tried to know you?

Honestly, I’m a pretty friendly and open person so I can’t pinpoint an exact time. But, I will say, when I’m working out, it does sometimes annoy me if someone starts asking me about my life, work, etc. when I just want to work out. However, there are some nice people at my gym, so I don’t usually get annoyed too easily about it.

But… headphones have some significance, people!

Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions Hana. One question before we end, how do you define “sexy”? 

Embracing yourself for who you are and at least working on being confident in your own skin. As long as you are on that journey of self-love and self-confidence, I think that is pretty sexy and courageous.

Follow the gorgeous Hana Brannigan on:

Instagram: @thishanabee

Images courtesy of Hana Brannigan

Like to be featured on SimplySxy? Drop us an email at editorial@SimplySxy.com!

How To Finger A Girl Correctly


I personally think masturbation is great! It is a part of my job, however, so I might be a little bias! Haha! Masturbation can be a great way to figure your body and learn more about what it is that you like. Exploring different things that you like when you are masturbating will help you communicate that to your future partner.

The topic of masturbation has been very shunned when honestly, it shouldn’t be! Masturbating can be very fun and exciting! Plus, who doesn’t love a good orgasm after a long day?

Do Men Know How To Finger A Girl Properly?

Most of the time, no. That doesn’t mean that men can’t learn how to finger a girl. I feel that most men might be a little intimidated when it comes to fingering a girl, which is understandable. Fingering is like most things that have to do with the vagina, you just have to figure out what the girl likes.

Communication is key in achieving the perfect fingering technique. Every girl is unique so getting to know your partner in bed and what they like is key to giving them an orgasm.

Common Fingering Mistakes

Sometimes they may be a little afraid to speak up and ask questions like “Does this feel good?”

Don’t be afraid to ask questions! I promise you us ladies will not behead you or laugh at you for asking “Do you like that?”

Another common mistake that most men don’t really think about is not cutting their nails. I can almost 99% guarantee that no girl is going to love the feeling of nails scratching their vagina when being fingered. Please remember to cut your nails!

Fingering Techniques Men Should Know

First things first, make sure you are both relaxed. The experience will not be enjoyable if you or her are tense so remember to breathe! One thing I can’t stress enough and that I mentioned above is communication is key! The trick to any good fingering technique is knowing what turns her on.

Maybe she likes the “Come here” finger motion, maybe she likes 3 fingers, maybe she likes fisting, the point is you won’t know unless you ask. Start off slow and sensual and increase the speed/finger count with time, never start out full force or super-fast!

Stepping It Up To Give Her That Orgasm

Explore her clitoris or another sensitive part of her body! The clitoris can be one of the most sensitive parts of a girl and can lead to a power orgasm! Do not be too rough with it however, you might end up doing more harm than good. Always remember to start slow and increase the intensity to fit the situation.

As always, remember to talk to her throughout the whole situation and don’t forget you can always incorporate sex toys in the bed room. Remember to pay attention to what she likes in bed and strive to help her achieve an explosive orgasm and she will surely return the favor!

Aphia DeMieux – I’m Aphia DeMieux, that one short and energetic girl on MyfreeCams! I absolutely adore my job as a Cam Model because it allows me to connect with many different people and help people out in more ways than one! You can usually find me at home with my 5 animals, 3 dogs and two cats (I really love animals haha), working on cam stuff, or playing some video games such as any Legend of Zelda game, Bioshock, or some sort of MMORPG. I’m a naturally shy person but I really enjoy talking with people and making new friends so don’t be afraid to come me out sometime!

Follow Aphia DeMieux on

Twitter: https://twitter.com/AphiaDeMieuxMFC

MyFreeCams Profile: mfc.im/AphiaDeMieux

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aphiademieuxmfc

Tumblr: https://aphiademieuxmfc.tumblr.com/

All of My Content: mfc.me/AphiaDeMieux

Images courtesy of Aphia DeMieux

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Cosplayer & Aspiring Actress, Krissy


HELLO! I am born and raised in Sacramento, CA and I’m just a happy thespian enjoying life with my husband and two Dalmatians, Cosmo and Ruby.

Pylon (Starcraft 2) Photographed by Blizzard Ent.

How did your interest in cosplay start?

Ahhh well, with growing up involved in theater and film, the desire to perform as a character has always been a part of me down to my core. I think having this passion naturally drove me to dive into cosplay once I learned about it and experienced it with friends a few years ago.

Which is your most favorite character you have cosplayed before?

Oh my heck, it’s not exactly a character, but definitely the Pylon Cosplay from StarCraft 2. I wore my pylon cosplay to Blizzcon 2017 and had the absolute best time. There’s something about being an absolutely ridiculous cosplay that fills my heart with a huge amount of joy and satisfaction. Not to mention the blood sweat and tears that went into building err… constructing that Pylon.

Is there any food or drink you can’t live without? I CANNOT live without?

HOT WINGS, I challenge anyone to a hot wing challenge any day, I can’t live without that tangy buffalo sauce. I always indulge in some hot wings everywhere I travel on my journey to find the best Hot Wings in America, I’ve been thinking about doing some food vlogs on the different wing places I’ve gotten to visit, but we will see what the future holds, My number one favorite place for wings is actually at Lahaina Pizza Company in Maui, Hawaii. I’ve never had a sauce so perfect.  Other than that, it’s a local place called Granite’s.

Articuno (Pokemon) Photographer – Scotts Shots Photography

Do you have any other hobbies?

Just gaming, keeping up on favorite shows and trying to stay active with a busy work schedule. Between my day job and cosplay I try to squeeze in any adventure I can.

Can you describe a typical day like for yourself?

Waking up, kissing my dogs and husband goodbye, going to work, coming home to craft or stream on Twitch and play with my dogs, and then pass out watching anime is pretty much my daily activity. Weekends are always crazy but what I live for, pretty much what Loverboy says, “Everybody’s working for the weekend”

Eventually I’d like to transition to acting full time but it’s definitely a nice slow journey for me, not a race.

If you could have a super power, what will it be?

GIVE ME SOME WINGS!!!! Literal wings not more hot wings, although I’ll take some. HAH, really I’d love to fly. I’m not sure if that’s considered a super power but it’s definitely something I’ve always been drawn too.

All Might ( My Hero Academia ) Photographer @Square_noodles

What is the funniest or lamest attempt a guy has tried to know you?

Oh man….well I’ve been a bartender all over the country the last 6 years of my life and I have heard…a lot….of things. It’s hard to pick just one. I guess the one that vividly sticks out was at a night club on the east coast worked at. It was a guy with the most serious face saying the “dragons” pick up line. If you’ve never heard of this pick up line just go google it. It’s pretty dumb.

Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions Krissy. One question before we end, how do you define “sexy”? 

Thank you for taking the time to interview me! I think in general it’s hard to define sexy, but to me it’s just a feeling of attractive confidence. It’s a strong feeling that comes from within and its very self-empowering, like when you look in the mirror and you just FEEL positive vibes about yourself whether your naked or fully covered from head to toe. The term “sexy” is something that I think every individual experiences differently, but it’s definitely there in one way or another.

Follow the talented Krissy on:

Instagramhttps://www.instagram.com/sparkle.stache or @sparkle.stache


Facebookhttps://www.facebook.com/sparklestache/ or @sparklestache

Twitterhttps://twitter.com/sparkle_stache @sparkle_stache

Currently working on Cosplay’s for Blizzcon on my Twitch channel

Like to be featured on SimplySxy? Drop us an email at editorial@SimplySxy.com!

Vlogger & Nursing Student, Michelle Thai


Thank you, I’m stoked to be here, hi everyone! I am mixed; Vietnamese, Chinese and French. I’m from New Mexico (the Sahara desert haha). I love helping people, especially the children in Vietnam. So I try my best to give in every way possible. Currently studying nursing.

How will you describe your fashion style?

I would describe it as casual and classy. I love wearing neutral colors such as black, white and nude.

Do you have any hobbies or interests?

I love to sing, and make vlogs.

Are there any favorite quotes you have that you use in life?

“If God brings you to it, he will bring you through it”

On a scale of 1-10, how much of a party animal are you?

I’m at a 7? I will go out if my friends drag me out but I prefer to stay home, eat and sleep! I loveee eating cookie dough ice cream at 12am. YAS.

If you could a superpower, what will it be and why?

Because I like to stay home and hibernate… I would like to have multiple ‘me,’ that way I could be sleeping, eating, running errands, going to work, shopping etc all at the same time.

Would you rather live in a cave or live in a tree house?

Tree house! The VIEW GUYS!

What turns you off on a date?

When you’re talking so much, that I can’t eat my food. So eat the food before the food gets cold and be considerate of my tummy.

Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions Michelle. One question before we end, how do you define “sexy”? 

Sexy is within the soul of that person which will show on the outer appearance, whether you talk confidently or act confidently; it is confidence that you’ll be able to love yourself! And that is the sexiest thing on earth.

Follow the gorgeous Michelle Thai on:

Instagram: @michieboo_t 

Snapchat: Tmichie43

Images courtesy of Michelle Thai

Like to be featured on SimplySxy? Drop us an email at editorial@SimplySxy.com!

What It Takes To Have Amazing Sex


Mmmm first the persons’ got to have a good personality, has got to be funny, and have a unique smell about them that drives you wild. Plus be affectionate and lastly, communicate with each other

When 6 things are in play…you’re staring deep into the females eyes kissing, touching, biting softly on the neck and breasts. Until she is extremely wet and ready for the penis! Now you know she’s about to have some amazing sex and fellas, after the hours of pleasure, when she smiles at the end, you did your job.

What I Love About Sex

My personal thoughts towards sex. First I love having sex and having chemistry is a must when meeting a female.

It all depends on how she looks…face, body, and character…and thinking to myself if she can suck dick!!  Can she handle a dick,  should I tell her what I do for a living. Let me just give her the business and if the sex is worth it, I’ll tell her. I hope the pussy has a excellent aroma. I hope her breath doesn’t stink, as that will kill the mood but if all is good, it’s about to be a fabulous night. #Salute

Chemistry Is Key To An Amazing Experience

Like I said, having chemistry is a must when two people are into each other Every touch, every kiss perfectly on point. When caressing and you feel goosebumps all over, you know you’re doing the right thing. Your penis gets hard, her pussy is moist and you are on the right track.

At this point in sex it’s all about how you stroke the pussy, hitting all the rights spots. It’s not about going rough, or slow. She will tell you what she wants, how her hands are positioned on your back or your butt if she will hold (that means she loves the motion right at this moment) or your butt (that means she wants more penis or no hands) that means she want you to take control and go all in giving her that. #Majorwork  #Salute

Most Memorable Sexual Experience

Wow…my most memorable will be with the Legendary Sara Jay. I was young growing up and she was one of my favorite stars to watch, every weekend after work, and I was a Bartender at a local place in Philadelphia. Watching her perform made me want to get in the business, that hopefully one day it would be me on set with her and that day finally came!

After a few years of going to Exxxotica, I finally met her and she was always smiling but it was always about her business. I would always come over and say hi, take a pic and just leave, never wanting to crowed her space plus she always had this big bodyguard with her at all times and his name was Will. Man he looked mean. I tried to make him smile but nothing worked so I kept it moving.

When I went to #Exxxotica in Chicago, that’s when all the magic happened. I walk over like I always do, said hi and took a pic. Before walking away, she said, “How would you like to work with me?”

I said, “You’re pulling my leg right?” It got to be a joke! Three years in and she picks me. I was like yes, I would love to.. before she asked if I was #TalentTested. I already had my papers out showing her the dates, it was updated and she said 10am tomorrow morning.  I couldn’t even sleep all night thinking what kind of position I was going to do on her… from head to toe.

At the time I was partners with #MidwestRawEnt that rented out a massive suite for the #Exxxotica weekend! I woke up early that morning, ate breakfast, worked out, and stroking and talking to my penis like this is your day, be yourself and give her that #Majorwork.

When she walked, in she was wearing all red. Her body was banging and it got me blushing on the inside. I was waiting for this special day to happen and it did. I licked her from head to toe, like I said I was going to do, the shoot was a success and she booked me again and again.  

And why because from me knowing her as a talent, she’s not just an adult performer. She’s a good person, has a big heart and from being my friend and now becoming my manager, it was all worth it at the end. Wow only if I knew this was the path that led me to #Victory with #WydeSydeProduction . #Salute

Things Men Don’t Get During Sex

Fellas, when a female gripes about you during sex, that could be a good thing or a bad thing. Sometimes, guys just don’t know what they are working with. If you’re average, it could be good. She grips your back, tetting you know she is enjoying herself but if you have a big penis and she’s gripping your back putting fingernails in it, it could be bad.

It might be too much for her but she’s enjoying the sex overall so just don’t put too much in all at once. Work her into it so she can enjoy it, Remember, it all depends on where her hands are positioned on your body. Fellas, some females love kissing and if you know how to kiss, or if you can’t kiss, let her know. She might teach you and when a female says stop or slow down, listen to her. So she knows she is in good hands. Don’t be an asshole, be a pleaser.

Spicing Sex Up & Making It Kinkier

Now for me, I’m a 9 1/2, not too small and not too big. I’m just the perfect size to hit all the right spots and all the right angles.

It’s always good to change up your style for both men and women to give your partners a different look every few months. Never stay the same, try new fragrances, new hairstyles, new lingerie.

Being kinky is being spontaneous and like me I’m always trying out new things. Fucking all over the house, the kitchen and the laundry room is always good fantasy. Gag her mouth, tie her up or to a bed…eat her pussy until she can’t cum no more. Tease her with your penis… like 50 Shades of Grey (Excellent movie if you need more tips!). There’s so many ways you can be naughty to please your mate.

Rome Major – 2018 Urban X awards Nominee X-Stud of the Year plus with

Follow Rome Major on

Website: https://www.romemajor.com/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/romemajorxxx

Images courtesy of Rome Major

Like to be featured on SimplySxy? Drop us an email at editorial@SimplySxy.com!

Portugese Model Catarina Correia


Hi! Thanks for featuring me! I am a 21 year old model. I am from Lisbon. I love traveling, listening to music, walking.

Group work: Carlos Fotopaixão, Marta and Tomás Lança

What do you love most about modeling?

I love being creative. Modeling allows me to express myself, with my facial expressions and body. I love to explore the photographer’s ideas and share mine.

Is there a genre of modeling you are particularly attracted to?

Yes. I really like editorial/fashion photoshoots with a sexy vibe.

Photo: Guenter Stoehr

Can you describe your fashion style?

Oh, this one is difficult! It really depends on the day. Sometimes I am very casual, with jeans and sneakers. Others I just love to put some killer high heels and tighter clothing. But usually I love to wear leather jackets, skinny jeans, high waisted clothes and dresses. With colors, I think what I wear more is black, white, pink and dark blue.

Photography / Art Direction / Retouching – Pedro Matos, Styling / Art Direction – Lucia Valdevino, Make Up and Hair Artist – Rita Lacerda
Filmmakers, Art Direction – Pedro Matos / Luis Baltazar / Boris Van Es / Lucia Valdevino, Capturing Editing And Grading – Boris Van Es
Capturing / Art Direction – Luis Baltazar

Do you have any hobbies or interests?

Yes! I love listening to music while taking long walks. I love cinema, specially dramas/biographies/historic/romance. I am very interested in documentaries about psychology.

I am also making a photo album only with polaroids.

Photo: Oliver Ruess

On a scale of 1-10, how much of a party animal are you?

Hmm… in the middle, a 5.

Photo: Lee Manston

Are you more of a lingerie or bikini babe?


Photo: Lee Manston

What is the funniest or lamest attempt a guy has tried to know you?

I can remember about one… I was in in an airplane that went from Istanbul to Athens and a guy started asking me a lot of questions before entering the plane. I almost didn’t answer because he was being annoying. So, we entered the plane and after a bit he came to sit next to me saying he didn’t like to fly alone. He was asking so many random questions and I just pretended I fell asleep.

Photography / Art Direction / Retouching – Pedro Matos, Styling / Art Direction – Lucia Valdevino, Make Up and Hair Artist – Rita Lacerda
Filmmakers, Art Direction – Pedro Matos / Luis Baltazar / Boris Van Es / Lucia Valdevino, Capturing Editing And Grading – Boris Van Es
Capturing / Art Direction – Luis Baltazar

Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions Catarina. One question before we end, how do you define “sexy”? 

Confidence, self love, and taking care of myself.

Follow the gorgeous Catarina Correia on:

Instagram: Instagram.com/catarinafoxy

Facebook: Facebook.com/catarinacorreiamodel

Like to be featured on SimplySxy? Drop us an email at editorial@SimplySxy.com!

Singaporean Cosplayer YoriMi


Hi everyone! I’m YoriMi, a cosplayer from Singapore. Nice to meet you all!

I mainly cosplay idol series characters such as (Love Live and Idolm@ster). I do occasionally cosplay game series characters from League of Legends. I love dancing and performing on stage as well. Do check out some of my performance videos on my page!!!

Photo: Xeno Photography

Where did your interest in cosplaying first come from?

I first learnt about cosplay when I was 15. I had friends that introduced me to anime and I fell in love with it. They cosplayed a little and eventually I joined them. My first event as a cosplayer was at Anime Festival Asia.

I always thought that cosplay was going to be just a phase of my life. It is a wonder to me that I am actually currently still active as a cosplayer.

That being said, I had never regretted joining this community because I met so many people that became my closest friends and experienced so many opportunities that I would never have without cosplay.

Which character have you most enjoyed cosplaying and why?

The character that I enjoyed cosplaying the most would be Sakurauchi Riko from Love Live Sunshine. I love her image color which is “light pink”. This makes all her costumes really appeal to me! Despite being reserved, mature and modest, there are times when she panics due to pressure and make mistakes. Personally, I can really relate to her which makes me love her even more.

Photo: Blurmage Photography

Do you have any other hobbies or interests?

I love dancing and performing on stage! I have done many dance covers from Love Live, Idolm@ster, Tsukiuta and Vocaloid. Early this year, I even got the chance to perform overseas with my friends!!!

Have you been in an embarrassing moment before that is funny now when looking back?

My friends and I were planning to surprise our friend on her birthday. We had a separate chat to discuss about how we were going to surprise her. However, we were simultaneously engaged in another chat with our friend inside. I accidentally replied to the wrong chat about our surprise plans and let the cat out of the bag. It was so embarrassing!!!

Is there something you’ve always wanted to do or learn but haven’t had the time?

I have always wanted to travel overseas alone! Due to school and work, I haven’t really found time to do so. It has always been on my bucket list since then!

Photo: Simply Random

If you could time travel, where will you go?

I would go back to my primary school life. I miss how cooling the weather was and my life being stress-free. I miss those happy, innocent school days when I had so many friends and life was simpler yet full of fun. I wish I could return to those days and never grow up.

What is the funniest or lamest attempt a guy has tried to know you?

If I recall correctly, me and friend were hanging out in a Korean dessert café. There was this guy that kept staring and making eye contact with me. I sat there trying to recall whether he was an acquaintance of mine. He stared for a good 30 minutes then came over and initiated a conversation.

I felt extremely uncomfortable about the entire situation so I gave him a bunch of false information which I made up on the spot. My friend and I were trying so hard to laugh at my horrible lying skills.

Photo: Xeno Photography

Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions Yori. One question before we end, how do you define “sexy”? 

I feel that being “sexy” is simply being the best person you can be. Anyone can be “sexy”. Little things such as investing in yourself, having self-confidence and cherishing your love ones can make you real sexy to everyone.

Follow the gorgeous Yori on:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/YoriMiii/

Like to be featured on SimplySxy? Drop us an email at editorial@SimplySxy.com!

How To Keep Escort Liaisons & Affairs Discreet Part I


The sex industry is a fascinating subject.  Why?  Because it is in a constant state of winding in and out of everyone’s lives daily. From the porn industry, to the happy ending message parlor.   The sex industry doesn’t just exist quietly.  It is millions of shadows pacing down the street unnoticed.  Defiantly tucked in the corner of your eyes.

I don’t just view sex work as work.  It’s therapy, liberation, and a fantasy escape.  For both client and SWer.   Much like any job you might endeavor, it can be amazing, or daunting.  Some, will find their ‘best life’ in SW, others will hate it but remain just for the financial freedom it provides.  Contrary to what the world will have you believe, that is common for any job, occupation, or career, out there.  The negatives touted about the industry are the same negatives you will find elsewhere in other occupations.  Unlike most others occupations,  You can pick and choose the jobs that are comfortable for you.  You have the liberty to take the occupational role and tweet it to fit your own needs and comfort levels.  Essentially, it feels as if someone has handed you the wheel to drive your own life.

Just beneath the surface of your everyday life, lives another world.  When the rest of the world hears “sex worker” they immediately imagine, short skirts, and disease riddled street walkers.  Only, this second world is vast and filled with so very much more.  Web performers, dancers, porn actresses/actors, and even professional cuddlers.  It is it’s own fully diverse society.

I love SW.  I enjoy it from both perspectives, inside and out.  In sex work, I found the control and freedom I desperately needed.  A balm to a past life I barely remember anymore.

Diversity Of Clients

Clients stem from all walks of life.  Rich, poor, charismatic, socially impaired, the clients are as diverse as the escorts themselves.  It’s not just men that employ escorts, either.  You will find women and couples enjoying the luxury of an escort.  Lawyers, doctors, politicians, truck drivers, accountants, and even teachers.  The type of people that employ escorts essentially boils down to two types.  The thrill seekers, and those that are missing something.   Companionship, intimacy, and even safe sexual exploration.

Reasons Men Engage Escorts

Most are looking for something beyond sex.  Don’t get me wrong, they want sex too, but it’s not the primary hole they are trying to fill.  Pun absolutely intended.  It’s the intimacy, being close to another human being.  Some don’t even know why they find themselves on the path looking for an escort.

  • They are lonely. Sometimes, the spouse passes, there is a big breakup, or the client simply has a difficult time attracting a long term mate.
  • They fear rejection. With an escort, they can practice courting, intimacy, and socializing, without fear of direct rejection.
  • Lost passion. They love their spouses, but the passion has turned to more of a best friend situation.  Their spouses have long since stopped the rampant intimacy that had been there at the beginning.  So instead of an affair, they find a professional.
  • Unique or judged sexual preferences. Sometimes the client wants to explore something that they fear their spouse, or partner, will reject.  I have several clients that enjoy dressing up as women, for example.  Others that want to explore their fantasies without hurting or upsetting their partners.
  • Human beings commit to monogamy because they feel obliged to do so. There is a insurmountable amount of evidence that theorizes and proves human beings are not meant to be monogamous sexually.  A trip to the psychology section of your local library or book store will happily delve deeper into this subject.

I could go on and on and on.  The reasons people see escorts is as varied as the reasons people enjoy art or music.

Jaycee Rivers – Just another passionate geek feeding my insatiable appetites.  There is nothing more interesting in the world besides fascinating people, and a good book.

Follow Jaycee Rivers on

Website: https://www.themidnightrendezvous.com

Twitter: @thejayceerivers

I will be making my first experimental single city tour in NYC the 18th or 19th to the 21st.

Images courtesy of Shutterstock

Like to be featured on SimplySxy? Drop us an email at editorial@SimplySxy.com!

Queen Of Burlesque Roxi D’lite


I’m originally from Windsor Ontario, Canada. It’s a small city at the very bottom of Canada bordering the Detroit MI, USA. I moved to Las Vegas for a little over two years and missed home so much and ended up moving back “home” to Detroit. Detroit has much to offer despite its reputation. I have many friends that have become family to me here. We all work together on an epic Halloween event called Theatre Bizarre. They’re my carny family and it’s where I met my husband to be. I’m very happy in Detroit.

What is your proudest achievement so far?

I would have to say being crowned Queen of Burlesque, Miss Exotic World in Las Vegas in 2010. It’s the Burlesque Hall of Fame’s pageant that was started by the late and great legend of Burlesque Dixie Evans. She started the pageant to bring more awareness to the Burlesque Hall of Fame’s Museum which was started by her dear friend Jenny Lee who passed many years ago.

Jenny took it upon herself to preserve the history of burlesque and collected artifacts like Sally Rand’s feather fans and items of Gypsy Lee. Now the Burlesque Hall of Fame museum can be found in downtown Las Vegas.

Are there any quotes or mottos that you like to use in life?

Not really.

Photo: Neil Kendall

How is a typical day like for yourself?

Well this is a loaded question. I seriously crave routine. Currently I’m trying to get a new webcam venture off the ground and camming under a different persona so building it up has been taking hella time. I strive to incorporate my creativity into webcam modeling (and a little naughty stuff too of course). The transition has been slow going but I am hopeful it will pick up soon.

So my days have been mostly researching, creating and editing sexy videos and then hopping online to shake my booty.  If you want to find me and support my new endeavor in webcam modeling you can find me on myfreecams.com under the name Trixie_Treats. Other than webcamming, I’m a pretty much a homebody. I love making my house a home with my partner and I absolutely love to cook.

Cooking is a passion of mine, always has been. If I’m having a stressful day, spending time creating a new dish really turns my day around. I love to feed people and have people over for dinner parties. I’m have this crazy idea to open a food truck business so currently saving up for that and researching what I need to make my dream a reality.

Photo: Roxi D’Lite Photography (Self Portrait)

Is there something you’ve always wanted to do but haven’t found the time?

Yes! Learn HTML and CSS so I can design a better website. I went to school for graphic design but am more creative. I love to draw and I am great at making logos and designing a page, problem is I can’t link it up. My current website is such a poor representation of my artistic talents. I would love to be able to design it myself, but I never seem to have the time.

Does being a model and performer yourself make photography easier?

Yes, totally! But more so being a pinup model has really lent a lot of skill to my photos. I know what angles ladies look best in and being in front of the camera really helps knowing how to shoot models, and vice versa.

Photo: Lars Kommienezuspadt

If you could collaborate with anyone past or present, who will it be?

Ann Margret. I’m a huge fan. I love how innocently sexual she is, I also have a thing for red heads.

Photo: Lars Kommienezuspadt

Which flavor best describes you?

Either bubblegum cause I’m bubbly, or cinnamon, even though I dislike cinnamon gum.

Photo: Lars Kommienezuspadt

Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions Roxi. One question before we end, how do you define “sexy”? 

I think sexy is all about attitude and confidence. Anyone can exude sexy, even unconventionally “pretty” individuals, it’s all a state of mind.

Follow the gorgeous Roxi D’lite on:

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/roxi_dlite/

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/roxidlite.fanpage

Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/roxi_dlite

I headline as well as produce the burlesque room called The Dirty Devil’s Peepshow at Theatre Bizarre.

Check out our website: http://www.theatrebizarre.com

Featured image courtesy of Roxi D’Lite Photography (Self Portrait)

Like to be featured on SimplySxy? Drop us an email at editorial@SimplySxy.com!

Model, Influencer & Fashion Blogger Selene Meneguin


How did you get into modeling?

Accompanied a friend to a casting and was select. From there, started with modeling and TV. My experience is catalog, sports, events, glamor, lingerie, model, promotional, advertising, host on TV. I like to work as a model because it gives me many rewards and recognition.

In the course of my career I met important, recognized people who opened doors for me on TV. Three years ago I began to work professionally as a fashion blogger, influencer. I work with international brands from USA, Australia, Italy and others. I am very happy with that project and I am very dedicated to that now.

Do you have a favorite or memorable photoshoot experience to share?

When I started I did a campaign for energy drinks, I got very nervous to the set but then I let go because the work environment was very cool and as we were 15 girls it was very fun, and that day I had a great time and I made many friends. It is very good when the work is fun and enjoyable.

Are there any favorite quotes you have that you use in life?

Yes definitely … (There is no substitute for hard work. Never give up. Never stop believing. Never stop fighting)

On a scale of 1-10, how much of a party animal are you?

3,  I’m not much into parties. I’m more into sports, and travels.

If you could a superpower, what will it be and why?

Without hesitation, to read minds, haha, who would not like to know what others are thinking?! But obviously only for a short period.

How do you like to spend your weekends?

I try to take advantage of that free time to spend with my friends and family. Since in the week I am very busy. I like to go to the movies, eat out, go for a drink. But always starting the morning at the gym.

What turns you off on a date?

A boring man who has no subject of conversation. That he does not strive to look elegant, and neat. 

Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions Selene. One question before we end, how do you define “sexy”?  

Being sexy is insinuation. Creating attention to the others without having to undress, catching looks without being so exposed.

Follow the gorgeous Selene Meneguin on:

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/selene_meneguin/

Fashion Website, Online Shop: https://bestalook.com/stylist/411943

Images courtesy of Selene Meneguin

Like to be featured on SimplySxy? Drop us an email at editorial@SimplySxy.com!

How To Keep Escort Liaisons & Affairs Discreet Part II


Is Engaging An Escort Better Than Having An Affair?

I hate saying something is better or worse than another option.  Ultimately, it boils down to why they are desiring the affair in the first place.  If the reasons include being disinclined to hurt their spouse, yes, an escort is better and more discreet.

Escorts have honed and tailored their whole world to provide discretion.  They have had more practice, and done more research, into avoiding prying eyes.  You won’t usually find an escort falling so in love, that they demand you dismantle your life and leave your current spouse.  They are often far more conscious of ramifications, complications, and risks than your average friend or colleague.  From awareness of STDs and safe sexual practices, to employing a lawyer like confidence.

How To Keep Escort Liaisons A Secret

There are many ways.  It’s important to pick and choose which ways by knowing your significant other well.  So let’s start with the basics.  Presuming you have already done all of your research and selected a couple of escort candidates, from there you need to start cleaning up the path that brought you here.

  • Create a discreet email account (ideally encrypted) with a password you don’t usually use. This is now your ‘fun’ email. It should ONLY be used for your liaisons.  Remember to always log out of it when you are done using it.  A good example is protonmail.
  • *Computer cleanup. Erase your cookies first. (See diagrams) Your phone, computer, and tablet all of these functions.  This is primarily done in the browser(s) you have used in your research.  Next you are going to want to erase your history.  Finally, empty your computer/smart phones trash bin.  This is not a one time deal.  Do this EVERY SINGLE TIME you visit an escort site, your ‘fun’ email, or anything that directly relates.  Remember, even if you erase this often, the lack of evidence can sometimes be evidence itself.  So avoid using communal household computers if possible.*
  • Which leads me to my next point. Alternate phones.  This one is difficult because you have to either hide the phone, or have a good reason for having it.  I strongly suggest a nice burner phone.  One you can get at Walmart.  This phone can be kept at work, in your car, or other good hiding place.  *picture provided* Remember to still utilize the two steps above.  There is no such thing as being too cautious.  DO NOT buy the phone online.  Buy it at the store and in person.  This goes for your refill cards as well.

  • Discreet funds. Don’t pull the money out for your entertainment all at once, or have a good reason for doing so.  Try to avoid lying.  Both because you love this person, and the lie will hurt than more than the activity (usually) and because lying is difficult to keep up with.  The closer you stay to the truth, the better.  You can utilize several discreet debit like cards as well.  I personally favor the bluebird card.  It’s a good way to tuck away rainy day funds, send money discreetly, and for those that like to buy their companions gifts.  DON’T keep receipts.  Try to book your hotels using the alternate banking/prepaid cards.  It may take awhile to find out which ones take those cards, so ask your providers if they know of any in your area.


  • Take money out for gambling. Go and gamble a little bit, tuck away your winnings or a portion of the money you were playing with.
  • Take money out to buy your partner a gift, buy them a gift, tuck away the extra into your private play fund.
  • Surprise bonuses, tips, or unexpected income is good to tuck away as well.
  • The further in advance you plan ahead for your liaison, the better. Steps to planning ahead…
    • Create a cover story. This is best done by staying as close to the truth as possible (as I mentioned above).
    • Start absently dropping mentions about your cover story. If it falls under “business trip”  Start mentioning the possibility that your job may be sending you someplace and you don’t really want to go.  It’s very important that you avoid shoving your excuse at your partner.  Be subtle, do research to back up your story.
  • Tie as little to your name as possible. Your companion (or affair partner) should already have your information.  So there is no harm in reducing the paper trail as much as you can.
  • Back up clothing. A clean button up, and pair of slacks left in the car or at the office can prevent you from tracking perfume and makeup home.
  • Request little to no makeup and/or little to no perfume in advance. Most ladies understand this is a request for discretion, and are amicable.  Provided you are not aggressive, demanding or rude about your request.
  • Tucked away travel bag. This bag should host your usual shampoo and soap.  You come home smelling just like you left.  Make sure to tuck this away in advance.
  • Don’t tempt fate. “Don’t shit where you eat”.  Both statements mean the same thing and yet this is the biggest mistake I see most make.  If you can avoid playing within a 50 mile radius of home, you should.  NEVER invite a companion to your personal home if you believe your partner will return within the next 24 hours.  Unless you plan for your own death by marital suicide or intend to make it a three way.
  • Finally, if you intend to repeat with different companions. Make sure to make a good impression. Having a solid reference (or three) on hand can make all the difference in your ability to access company in new and exotic locations.  It reduces the paper trail and cuts back on your risk of hiring the wrong partner.    You also get the added bonus of a connection network.

I would be remiss if I didn’t mention that it’s possible, your partner won’t mind you seeing a companion.  If you think they would be open to letting you explore in a safe and professional way, just open a dialog.  Don’t let it push into argument territory but express your interests.  Be prepared, asking for permission can put you under a microscope for some time

Advice For First Time Clients

This is a tough one.  In the current climate, many escorts are hesitant to accept a new face.  I would strongly urge you to do your research first and foremost.  Collect a small handful of potential candidates.  Look for the profiles that say “newbie friendly”  It’s important to know what you want to get out of hiring a companion.  It will help narrow down your results.   Next, read up on each escort.  Normally, you would find instructions on how to contact her and what should be included in that first correspondence.  If there are no instructions, treat that first contact almost professionally.  Be clear and concise on what you want, when you are interested in meeting, and a small paragraph about yourself.  Avoid being crude, rude, or even asking out any form of sex.  Above all, be respectful and polite.

I would like to tie this article up with one simple all encompassing piece of advice.  Research.  There are many people that have written about ways to keep your dalliances from coming to light.  There is so much more information about the industry just beyond the veil of preconceived notions and social/political propaganda.  If you seek it, you will find it.

Jaycee Rivers – Just another passionate geek feeding my insatiable appetites.  There is nothing more interesting in the world besides fascinating people, and a good book.

Follow Jaycee Rivers on

Website: https://www.themidnightrendezvous.com

Twitter: @thejayceerivers

Images courtesy of Shutterstock

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Danish Blogger & Influencer Mathilde Ravn


What is your fashion style like?

I highly prefer to mix the trends into a street kind of style. I love how you can mix a cute dress with a pair of sneaks, angle-high socks and a leather jacket and that way turn it into a more casual not so girly look. If I should describe my “go to” outfit it would be my Saint Laurent t-shirt, a pair of jeans, biker-boots and a leather jacket mixed with some jewellery.

Are there any favorite quotes or mottos you like to use in life?

When I’m really upset about anything I always ask myself if I can do anything about it and if not, then I should let it go. Also I like to live by the quote “you can do anything if you put your mind to it” – no dreams are too big for this beautiful world.

Do you have a beauty or fitness regime that you follow strictly?

Beauty wise I’m not really the right person to ask haha. I hardly ever use make.up cause my skin is so sensitive and also I really like the natural look as I think it’s very important for all of us to appreciate our natural face look.

My fitness regime is not as strictly as it has been as it took a hold on me that was not healthy. So right now I’m leaning to work-out as my body likes it and not forcing myself to a too hard regime. I do love to work-out as it makes my mind feel good and my body stronger so I’m still working out 5 times a week but now I try to be better at not working out when my body feels tired.

How do you like to spend your free time?

My favorite place to be if I’m all free is at the beach with my dog. It’s such a calm place and I know nothing better than the sound of crushing waves. Besides that, I spend a lot of my free time on cafés drinking coffee with my friends haha.

Can you describe a typical day like for yourself?

I mostly wake up at 6-7am starting off with my breakfast before I head to work at 8. When I’m off work around 3-4pm I often go out with some friends, getting some pictures for my blog and Instagram and then start working on that when I get home.

After this I mostly go to the gym to sweat out the day and to get a good nights sleep. I spend most of my nights doing blog-work or planning my next trip for traveling. I like to be very coordinated so I also spend a lot of time on getting everything prepared for my next “move” in life.

Is there anyone past or present that you like to meet with if given the opportunity?

My biggest idol will forever be Justin Bieber, I’ve already met him a few times now but if I was give the opportunity it would still be my biggest wish to meet him again.

What do you not get about guys?

I really don’t get how soooo many guys can live so unstructured. Like how can you not know what you’re doing in 10 minutes?? Also I don’t get how they don’t get girls haha.

Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions Mathilde. One question before we end, how do you define “sexy”? 

“Sexy” is for me a definition of a lady who exudes a very comfortable, classy and an absolute “in control of herself” attitude. It is the way of carrying yourself that makes you sexy, in my opinion.

Follow the gorgeous Mathilde Ravn on:

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mathilderavnc/

Blog: https://nouw.com/ravenslife

In the future there will be a lot more YouTube coming up so keep and eye on my YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCw3TEwNX6hbmzwS8um_-a3A?view_as=subscriber

And as for my other social medias I always try to renew myself and my work. So always keep an eye on my Instagram and blog!

Images courtesy of Mathilde Ravn

Like to be featured on SimplySxy? Drop us an email at editorial@SimplySxy.com!

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