I’m born and raised in Orange County, California (about 45 minutes away form LA since everyone always asks! haha). I’m 22 years old, just graduated from UC Davis with a communication degree, and currently working full-time as the marketing coordinator for a men’s ecommerce site, Ties.com and its affiliated domains.
I also have my side hobby, which is my own Instagram account (@thishanabee) where I share my struggle with mental health/eating disorder in hopes of helping others who struggle with the same thing that I have.
Hm, just a couple other tidbit facts: I absolutely love Disney (living so close to Disneyland is such a dream… I’ve even auditioned to be a character a few times), I was a synchronized swimmer for about 6 or 7 years, and I’m half Irish and half Vietnamese!
What hobbies and interests do you have?
I love swimming. My family always jokes I’m a mermaid — it’s not a stretch from the truth at all, though.
I also love reading and writing (I have too many journals to count), although I stopped both for a bit while I was in college, but I’m slowly getting back into it. I also recently started listening to podcasts, and I’m a little obsessed with them.
And, I love going to festivals and if I have to travel for them, all the better since I also love to travel.
Are there any quotes or mottos you like to use in life?
Everything happens for a reason.
It’s a bit cliche, but I really do think everything that’s happened in my life has shaped me for who I am today. Of course, I could have had completely different experiences and become a different person than I am right now, but I couldn’t have felt more blessed for everything that I’ve been through in my life. And the fact I get to use my platform to help those around me/make a positive impact on the world is a dream come true for me.
How is a typical day like for you?
I wake up, go to work, go to the gym, and then when I get home I usually work on my own Instagram, watch a show with my mom, read/write… clean… um, be a couch potato… drink wine maybe. My routine isn’t that interesting.
Of course, I’m listening to podcasts in between all this. I told you I’m kind of obsessed.
Occasionally I’ll go on a photoshoot or event to promote on my social media channels! I know, it’s a very millennial thing to say, but I feel very lucky to have these opportunities and I try to use these events as a way to benefit my audience somehow!
Is there any food you are dying to try but have yet to do so?
YES! Salt and Straw. I’ve heard that they have the best ice cream and ice cream will never be the same.
I also really want to go to Thailand to try their street food. And also their eggs. Yes, eggs. I’ve just heard their eggs are amazing and soft and the perfect shade of yellow.
What is your beauty and fitness regime like?
I try to work out about 5 times a week! I love weight lifting and love the changes I see in my body. It’s amazing to feel strong and healthy after feeling exhausted and weak when I was in the deepest times of my eating disorder. If I don’t make it in for the 5 days though, I don’t stress about it!
Beauty-wise, I always wash my face in the morning and night. I have to use Cetaphil at night and then something with the .5% benzoyl peroxide because I have sensitive skin. And then for foundation, the only thing that hasn’t made me break out is It Cosmetics CC cream. I’ve tried some ones from Target that beauty bloggers recommended, but I always break out!
Other than those 3 products, I know NOTHING about makeup. When I run out of eyeliner or mascara, I stand in the makeup aisle for probably 15 minutes trying to differentiate between all the brands, haha.
If you could time travel, where will you go?
Oh gosh. Hm. I always prefer going back in time because I would just love to see the fashion and how different society is now from another time period. Doesn’t really matter when. I’d love to see how it was living in the Renaissance age, Victorian age, the 20s, 50s, 70s, 80s, 90s…
I know maybe it isn’t the ideal living situation, but aren’t you just a little curious to see first hand how it was living during those times too? Maybe I’m just too curious though.
What is a funny or lame attempt a guy has tried to know you?
Honestly, I’m a pretty friendly and open person so I can’t pinpoint an exact time. But, I will say, when I’m working out, it does sometimes annoy me if someone starts asking me about my life, work, etc. when I just want to work out. However, there are some nice people at my gym, so I don’t usually get annoyed too easily about it.
But… headphones have some significance, people!
Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions Hana. One question before we end, how do you define “sexy”?
Embracing yourself for who you are and at least working on being confident in your own skin. As long as you are on that journey of self-love and self-confidence, I think that is pretty sexy and courageous.
Follow the gorgeous Hana Brannigan on:
Instagram: @thishanabee
Images courtesy of Hana Brannigan
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